
Responses from sdcampbell

Looking to upgrade my tonearm
You aren't specific about your budget, but one tonearm that you should consider is the new Rega RB1000. The arm is a fairly complete re-design of the RB900. I have not seen any reviews of the arm yet, but I've corresponded with several people in E... 
Resonance problem with tonearm/cartridge
Some years ago, I had a Sumiko FT-3K tonearm, which is very similar to the Premier MMT, and I also had a problem with resonance with using a Grado cartridge (the 8MR at the time). I eventually went back to my old reliable Shure V15V, and the probl... 
Which is better Arcam 85 or Creek 5350Se
The general consensus is that the Creek 5350SE is perhaps the best integrated on the market today in the $1500 price range. It has competition, such as the Arcam, the Bryston B-60, the new Perreaux (which has 160 wpc, and is available from Audio A... 
Shure V15--A Good Cartridge?
Hi, Mitch: thanks for the correction. I sold you my V15V, and bought the Grado Reference from another regular on A-gon who uses the name "Khamma". I got the Reference for a good price, and it is, to my ears, a better cartridge than the Shure V15V ... 
Electrostatic Speakers
Virtually every type of speaker has its own set of problems. With electrostatics, the usual drawbacks can include: 1. a "plastic" coloration to the music (or great clarity, if you prefer electrostatics);2. often inefficient and more difficult to d... 
Shure V15--A Good Cartridge?
Put me down as one of the admirers of this cartridge. For its street price of $275 or so, it's tough to beat, and it's one of the highest value purchases in audio. I have owned several versions of the V15 over the years, and the current edition is... 
Why SACD,DVD-A are already DEAD
Oh, Lord, "Clueless" has thrown down the gauntlet! Now I will have to set up three 10.2 systems in my house, which given its modest dimensions will mean that systems must be added to the bathroom and the kitchen (and maybe the garage). How in the ... 
Why SACD,DVD-A are already DEAD
I have no fundamental disagreement with the premise -- I haven't spent a dime on either SACD or DVD-A because the format war hasn't been resolved. (A similar logic applies for me to the whole 6.1, 7.1, 10.2, etc., approach to home theater. I have ... 
8 gauge speaker cable
Unless you have a VERY long speaker run, or are doing a major upgrade in quality of the cable, it is unlikely that you will hear any difference between a 12 gauge and an 8 gauge speaker cable. If your speaker cable run is fairly short -- say, 15 f... 
What difference does the "order" make with x-overs
Your question has been pretty well answered above, so I won't elaborate except to add one point. As noted, the higher the "order" of the crossover, the more severe the roll-off. What was NOT mentioned is that as the "order" of the crossover goes u... 
Bi-Wire Speaker Cables for Vandersteen 3A sig.
Well. I'm using a bi-wire set of Kimber Kable 8TC and have been very satisfied. I know you've got a bigger budget available, but if you've considered the 8TC, there is a 12 foot bi-wire pair for $175 that was just listed today here on A-gon. 
Maggie 20.1 contender for best speaker?
I think TAS just published a review on the Maggie 20.1 (if not TAS, then Stereopiles). 
Digitizing LPs: General advice wanted
I've been transcribing LP's onto CD for the past 6 months, and my personal belief is that you'll get better results with a CD recording machine that allows you to make a direct connection with your preamp (or phono preamp if you have a separate st... 
Subject: Q. on room size and what speakers to use
Keep your Vandy's! They are great for both audio and HT. I am using Vandy 3A Signatures in a room that is only a smidge bigger than yours (18 x 12), and work very well. 
Which Stax headphones- best bang for the buck
I am a former owner of a pair of Stax headphones, and agree they make fine products. I recently switched from my Stax SR-80's to the Sennheiser HD600, and think they are a substantial improvement over the Stax. Infact, I said in a post earlier thi...