
Responses from sdcampbell

For Vandersteen 2Wq users.
Let me "piggyback" on Bigtee's post. I have a stereo pair of 2Wq subs in my system (Vandy 3A Sig main speakers), and found that there was a noticeable improvement in overall sound quality when I replaced the regular ($125) crossover with the cross... 
bryston ST and NRB question
If you want to save some money on the phone, go to Bryston's web site at: www.bryston.caIf you scroll to the last line of text on the home page, you will find the following link:"To receive answers to Technical Questions please click here."Click o... 
Does full range guarantee bass?
The Vandersteen subwoofers (2Wq and V2W) are meant to be used with full-range speakers due to the contour (slope) of the crossover. The Vandy subs cross over at 80Hz, using a more gradual slope (I can't remember if it's a first order or second ord... 
Great Jazz SACDs
Without knowing more about your tastes in jazz, it's hard to suggest specific SACD titles. For starters, check out the SACD's available from both MusicDirect and Analogue Productions. You should also explore some of the releases available from the... 
suggestions for turntable set up around $6,000.
In your budget range, you must audition the VPI TNT Mk V, probably with a VPI JMW 10.5 or 12.5 arm. It is a superb turntable/tonearm combo that competes very well against models costing twice as much. 
Budget pre-amp for computer/office system
You ought to include the Adcom GFP-565 preamp on your list, since it was (and still is) an excellent preamp. There have been several GFP-565's for sale recently on Audiogon for around $300. 
HELP - B&W Naut. 805's good music speakers?
The B&W Nautilus 805's got a good review in HiFi+ magazine (a British high end audio mag), which said it is a very good speaker for most kinds of music (although not the best for rock). If you particularly need a monitor-style speaker of modes... 
Vandersteen 2w vs 2wq
The most notable difference between the 2W and the 2Wq is that the 2Wq has a potentiometer that allows the user to adjust the "Q", or damping. The original 2W had a fixed "Q" of about 0.5, whereas the 2Wq has a "Q" range from 0.5 (very tight) to 1... 
Todays Raido Stations suck
As a follow-up to my previous post, let me share some excerpts from yesterday's lead editorial in The Seattle Times (one of the few independent newspapers left in the country, although one could argue that it's not a very good paper):"The FCC has ... 
Todays Raido Stations suck
The perception that today's radio stations are a sorry substitute for the broadcasting of yesteryear is probably correct. A number of factors have come into play:1. fewer and fewer independent local and regional stations, as the broadcast giants c... 
Scratched discs - what do to?
Of the various products you list, the only one I have personally used is Mapleshade's Mikro-Smooth polisher. I have found it to be very effective at making scratched CD's playable, and even disks in good shape seem to sound better when they've bee... 
Yakima, Washington
Richard:If you can't find an audiophile group in the Yakima area, then please feel free to join the Pacific NW Audiophile Society at one of its monthly meetings in Seattle. If you want more details about meeting time and place, please drop me a pe... 
I just sold my cd player what should i get?
Add the Arcam FMJ DV27 to your list for auditioning. It has gotten outstanding reviews from a number of high-end audio mags, and sells for $2600 (MSRP). 
Best Integrated amp for under 4k
One of the best, if not THE best, integrated amps on the market today is the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 300, which is reviewed in the most recent issue of TAS. The Tri-Vista 300 has a superb preamp section, and the power amp is rated at 350 wpc. U... 
What are options for 7.1 PRE/PRO for around $1400
Obviously, it's your personal decision if you want to "upgrade" to a 7.1 surround system, but I have to agree with J.C. in the previous post. Unless you have a VERY large listening room, a 7.1 system offers no advantage over a good 5.1 system, and...