
Responses from sdcampbell

I need a new Web
Just to add a slightly different insight, I have been a CompuServe subscriber since the late 1980's (when they were the best game in town for business users), but CS was acquired about 4-5 years by AOL. AOL promised to maintain CompuServe as an in... 
So what sub are you using for your Home theater?
I use a stereo pair of Vandersteen 2Wq subs. They do an excellent job with both music and home theater, although they are not the best for reproducing LFE from DVD soundtracks. What they are is musical, with excellent pitch accuracy, good frequenc... 
Vandersteen Model 2CE's: Should I upgrade?
Unless you have a very large listening room, or tend to listen at "ear bleed" levels, you Bel Canto amp should be a very nice pairing with the 3A Sig's. Since you've raised the question about power levels for the 3A Sig's, you should be made aware... 
Vandersteen Model 2CE's: Should I upgrade?
Well, hell, I might as well jump on this train also -- particularly with such august company. I previously owned the Model 2Ci's, then went to the 2CE's, then to the Model 3A's, which I later had upgraded at the factory to the 3A Signatures. The 2... 
Madrigal Mark Levinson out of business.
The electronic newsletter for has an article on what Harmon is doing with Madrigal and Lexicon. To see the article, go to this link: 
Solution for VPI record cleaning machine.
Over the past several years, there have been several threads about home-brew LP cleaning solutions that A-gon members have found to be effective. You can find these threads by looking in the A-gon archive.At the risk of being repetitive, I'll offe... 
BAD hum from catv box
Well, I'd also conclude that you have a ground loop problem -- which is certainly not unusual with cable boxes. I had this same problem, as has my son. The problem in my system and my son's system were both solved by installing a ground loop isola... 
Which: VPI HW19 Jr. or III vs. REGA P3 and P25
Having heard both the Rega and VPI turntables many times, and speaking as a long-time owner of the HW-19 (first the original, then upgraded to the Mk3, and finally upgraded to the Mk4 with a Super Armboard), I'd recommend the VPI over the Rega in ... 
Power strip plugging order ? Tks
There are two general ways you can go with this:1. have the analog components on one power strip, and the digital ones on the other (digital components tend to generate more line noise than analog units);2. put your low-power, source components on... 
Subwoofer for Dunlavy SC IV's
You have not specified a price range for the subwoofer(s), so you will probably get the usual suggestions for the better-known subwoofers: REL, Velodyne, etc. Among the subs you should consider, include the Vandersteen 2Wq (or V2W if you are going... 
Digital cable recommendation
I've been using the Silver Serpent digital coax from for more than a year, and have been very pleased with it. The Silver Serpent is a true 75-ohm cable (VERY important) and has excellent build quality, and it's hard to beat for $... 
If Grado is the Ying, Is a Clearaudio the Yang???
Well, since you like Grados, you might check out Grado's "The Reference", in either the 4.5 mV or 0.5 mV version. There is a 0.5 mV version for sale right now on Audiogon. I have the 4.5 mV version, and it's glorious! 
New Nordost Cable Valkyrja
Comment to Kn1: I think most of the high-end audio mags suffer from the "Will Rogers" syndrome: they never met a component they didn't like. Hence, the issue ot trusting what a review says holds equally true for Stereophile, TAS, etc. (although I ... 
New Nordost Cable Valkyrja
HiFi+, the British high-end audio publication, has a review of the Valkyrja cables in their current issue (#23). The review is very positive, so you may want to find a copy of the mag and read the entire article. The final paragraph of the review ... 
What Is the best pair of speakers under 3k??
As Kthomas has already mentioned above, your budget will allow you to consider the Vandersteen 3A speakers, which retail new for $2800. If you are willing to buy used speakers, then you can often find the Vandersteen 3A Signatures (retail price $3...