
Responses from sdcampbell

groovin organ based soul & jazz
Here's a few of the better jazz organists that you might check out:1. Jimmy Smith2. Jack McDuff3. Don Patterson4. Jimmy McGriff5. Shirley Scott6. Larry Young7. John Patton8. Joey DeFrancesco9. Larry Goldings10. John Medeski11. Lonnie SmithYou migh... 
How much LF info on LPs?
I'm not sure where audiophiles got the impression that LP's don't contain low frequencies, but Twl's comment is on the money. I have some LP recordings of pipe organs which have frequencies that reach as low as my pair of Vandy 2Wq's can reproduce... 
Suggestions for my first turntable
Matt:The good news is that you have a LOT of very good choices today for a starter turntable system, while the "bad" news is that you actually have to choose one of them.If you look through the Audiogon archives, you will find a number of threads ... 
Opinions on Adcom 5802 and 5500 amps
Many of the people who post here on A-gon have owned Adcom amps at one time or another. I've owned 5 different Adcom power amps since the late 1980's, including the 5500/5503, but I have not owned the 5802. I also sold Adcom products in the early ... 
Looking for recommendations to use Rives Audio ...
Rives Audio is owned and operated by one of the long-time Audiogon "regulars", and I have always found his comments to be technically sound and helpful. I recently purchased the "Rives Audio Test CD", which is used to test your room acoustics to s... 
How to demag. tape heads with bulk eraser
Breadman: the advice already given is on the money. Since you may be considering the purchase of a head demagnetizer, I want to mention that I have a used professional demag unit, the "Han-D-Mag", made by R.B. Annis, available for sale. This model... 
Suggestions for a three channel amp
Using a price point as your main criteria may result in your overlooking some good candidates. Among the 3-channel amps that you might consider are:Lower-priced: Adcom GFA 5503; Rotel RB-993 (there is a used unit for sale right now on A-gon) Mid-p... 
Speaker advice: $1200 budget
The Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures are well within your budget, and if you are willing to spend another $100-200, you could get a used pair of Vandersteen 3A's (which could be upgraded at some future point to the 3A Signatures). Given your stated list... 
Best Sax Jazz
Pbb:Your mention of "The Sound of Jazz" is very interesting -- you are one of the very few people I have encountered that knows of this recording done by Leonard Bernstein, done as part of the "Omnibus" TV series in the mid-1950's. I have used thi... 
Home brew vinyl & stylus cleaning fluids?
I have been making a home-brew cleaning fluid for 25+ years that is comprised of a gallon of distilled water (less 1 pint to allow space for the next ingredient), 1 pint of 99% pure isopropyl alcohol (available in some drug stores), and a few drop... 
Unsettled and considering changing stuff
Hi, Jeff:You aren't terribly specific about why you are dissatisfied with the sound of your system, other than having a need to "scratch the audio itch" (which all of us understand). Your system, overall, is excellent, so it would be useful to try... 
Speakers for Bryston 4B-SST
I have found the Bryston 4B-ST to mate very nicely with my Vandersteen 3A Signatures, and the new 4B-SST should be even better. 
How many weeks of income did your sys. cost?
The essential theme of this post has been raised, in one way or another, a number of times over the past two years, and I find myself thinking that it takes a lot of temerity and a considerable lack of good taste to repeatedly ask this question. M... 
Dave Holland's LPs
Do you literally mean his analog LP's, or are you asking for recommendations regarding his recordings? If the latter, I'll be glad to give you a list of some of his best work. 
Laser Life?
Most small lasers of the type used in A/V equipment are rated in terms of hours of use -- as an example, 5000 hours. That figure, however, is at best a SWAG, since the laser may fail sooner or substantially later. The lifespan of the laser can ber...