
Responses from salectric

audio research ls 2b popping noise?
Good to hear that. As I said, the LS2 is pretty reliable so hopefully you will now have a number of troublefree years with it. 
audio research ls 2b popping noise?
Did you get a pop with the old tube or only the new one? If it's only with the new one, then try putting the old tube back in. If you only have a pop with the new tube, then it would seem the tube is at fault. I had an LS2 for a few years and neve... 
Calling all Horn lovers
Kiddman, As the author of the "garage pontification" you object to, I suppose I should respond. One of the drawbacks of this type of forum is that we don't really know each other. Sure, we may get some feel for how people think through their writt... 
Calling all Horn lovers
I agree completely with Larryi's comments. Although my experience with horns is not as extensive as his, what I have heard matches his descriptions to a T. In particular, efforts to damp the sides of a horn to make them less resonant simply create... 
Calling all Horn lovers
Larryi,Was the 15a system at DejaVu or a private home? I have read about the 15a on the long thread on Lencoheaven, and it seems everyone agrees it is truly magical. 
Calling all Horn lovers
Let's first acknowledge that it's hard to generalize about the sound of speaker types. There is a wide variety of horn speakers just like there is a wide variety of cone speakers and electrostats. That out of the way, the single most compelling qu... 
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system?
Frogman, great story! The same thing happened to me. After trying ever more powerful amps to drive my Thiel 3.6's, and being frustrated at the lack of dynamics, I hooked up a rusty bone-stock Dyna ST70, Music!! Of course, I couldn't turn up the vo... 
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system?
Thiel 3,6 speakers, Classe DR-10, ARC PH-1, LS-2, VPI 19 Mk3 with ET-2, JVC CD player. Nothing remains in my system today, but the VPI is still spinning just fine in my son's system. 
Last time you felt that "tingling" sensation?
Yes, thanks for sharing the Nancy Wilson link. Absolutely superb! 
Dueland CAST PIO
Vapor1, I didn't mean to offend, but in the context we are talking about----Duelund CAST, V-Cap TFTF and CuTF, and Sonicap Platinum---the OIMP falls considerably short. I also don't find it to be a particularly good value. For the same or less mon... 
Dueland CAST PIO
Oops, I left out a word in my last post. I meant to say that an OIMP cap is not a particularly good sounding cap, with or without a bypass, and a Duelund CAST cap should surpass it easily and pretty much in all respects. 
Dueland CAST PIO
A single Duelund CAST cap (no bypass) will sound significantly better than an OIMP with or without a V-Cap bypass. I am not a fan of numerical descriptions of sonic differences---What does it mean to say something is 10% better? But the benefits o... 
Dueland CAST PIO
On my 2-way vintage speakers, the Duelund CAST cap made a much bigger difference when used on the high-pass (tweeter) than on the low-pass (woofer). In each case, the Duelund was replacing a Mundorf Supreme (regular version) so this was a fair eva... 
Dueland CAST PIO
What types of capacitors are in the speaker now? 
Dueland CAST PIO
In my vintage speakers, the Duelund CAST was the best sounding of many, many caps I tried in the tweeter high-pass crossover. It had the best inner detail and overall coherency. As far as I am concerned, there were no negative qualities in its sou...