
Responses from s7horton

Babyproofing Stand-mounted speakers
Quite frankly, I think bolting them to the floor is a great idea. Not only will they sound better than before, you'll save your children from getting hurt. The only other option I can think of is to use stands that can be filled with 50-75 pounds ... 
Speaker Placement
I have not had planars before, but here's what works best for me...Try the rule of thirds, pull them out about a third of the way into the room, and about one third of the way away from the side walls. That is a place to start. Then use your ears.... 
Another "Odd" Auction
It's good that members want to make people aware of potentail problems. I only have one fear, and that is that people all of a sudden assume that every deal is a scam. When I read the ad it didn't seem like it was too out of the ordinary. We all k... 
Michigan - Any Interest?
I live in Grand Rapids. Right now I have a smaller system. Audio Refinement integrated, B&W CDM 1 NT's, vintage yamaha tuner and an NAD dvd player for my source. It's tough when you live in an apartment. I'm always looking for people to talk a... 
Biwiring: can you really hear the difference?
Depends on the system, sometimes yes, sometimes no. 
Where to buy unterminated speaker wire
Kimber 8TC comes unterminated and I believe is less than 5 bucks per foot. 
How to identify driver problems
Sometimes if you use a test disc that supplies most of the frequency range, you can narrow down which driver it is. 
Is there an integrated amp that can beat my...
Why not give the Jeff Rowland Concentra II a listen? 
cd player with volume control - under 500
Quite a few of the Kenwoods had this a few years ago. not the best players, but if you are looking for usability more than sound quality, you might want to look into them. The big sell for me was the 5 disc 
Smallest Bookshelf Speaker Worth Listening To
There a quite a few companies that make smaller bookshelf speakers. Off the top of my head:Pro Ac TabletParadigm Mini MonitorLinn TukanDynaduio (I forget which model)B&W DM303Just to name a few. 
Best live album you've ever heard?
Eagles - Hell Freezes Over 
Is this the normal way business is handled?
If I were to contact a seller and told that person I wanted their item at their listed cost plus shipping, they may or may not choose to sell to me. As a seller you want to weigh all your options if you are lucky enough to have them. Just because ... 
What about Polk speakers?
Nothing against Polk, but there are a lot of good companies out there worth checking out. Don't be afraid to listen to a couple other systems besides polk's. I think you'll be impressed by what else is out there for the same amount of money. 
Tube or solid state for Paradigm Studio 100 V2s
I've never had the 100's, but have had a host of others in the paradigm line. I had an anthem pre amp biamping with parasounds amps. It sounded good, but not as good as the anthem integrated I tried. My guess is you would be very happy with a comb... 
DIY Speakers, worth the hassles?
Part of the DIY is the actual building. You want good results in the end, but I believe part of the reason to do DIY is so you can experience what it takes to build a good speaker and learn a lot about the building process. Markup is what you are ...