Responses from rossb
what are some of best tonearms you own or experience with. The best arms I have owned:Audio Origami PU7Rega RB2000Alphason HR100MCSMoerch DP6The worst:Kuzma 4PointKuzma 4Point9Naim AROSME IV | |
What does Roon give me beyond just Tidal HiFi? Roon offers much more than just Tidal.It offers a forum full of advice from snarky, defensive, rude and often hostile Roon fanboys.It offers the ability to search your music collection for things you know are there but which Roon can't find.It off... | |
vinyl versus digital redux I have made quite a lot of digital recordings of LPs, but mainly for comparison purposes, when trying to compare, say, tonearms or cartridges. I can play the samples over and over without damage to the record or stylus, and it gives me a good basi... | |
Kuzma 4 Point Tonearm I had a 4 Point on my Stabi Ref for two years. I thought it sounded very good and certainly produced a lot of detail. But over that two years I virtually stopped playing records. It was a nice sounding tonearm but I just found it a bit ... boring.... | |
DCS Bartok as Preamp @efoo Have you compared the T2 directly to the X1, and if so how would you describe the differences?I have an X1 which is the best DAC I have owned, but curious how close the T2 comes. | |
DAVE w/ or w/out M Scaler? I had a DAVE with Blu2 (sold), and then a TT2 with M Scaler, and then a Qutest with M Scaler. I sold them all over time, deciding I wasn’t really a fan of the Chord sound. But the one thing I realised over that time was that the M Scaler made ever... | |
vinyl versus digital redux I disagree with the basic premise of this thread.First, I don’t agree that digital recordings of LPs sound indistinguishable from the originals in all respects. Second, I don’t agree that the reason LPs often sound better than digital recordings i... | |
turntable recommendations I would suggest getting the Rega P8 and keeping your Dynavector, which is a very nice cartridge and preferable (IMO) to an Apheta. The P8 is superb turntable and a big step up on the RP6. | |
Just recieved my new Rega Planar 8 I've got the Herbie's mat, the achromat, a cork/rubber mat, some expensive Japanese paper mat, and a bunch of other mats that I have tried on my P8 and P10. I prefer the stock felt mat. There is the occasional static issue but on balance it still ... | |
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying You can’t connect a CD player directly to the X1.You also cannot (to my knowledge) directly connect the USB output of a computer to the X1. The connection is through the network.Why would you want to? Depending on the size of your library, a compu... | |
Ayre QX-5 vs Lumin vs dCS Bartok I have owned the Ayre QX5 and the Lumin X1, but have not heard the Bartok. I owned the AX5 Twenty when I had the QX5, but have now moved on to something else, although the AX5 Twenty is a great amp.Both the QX5 and Lumin are great dac/streamers, a... | |
HoloAudio May Dac, New King of dacs? Stereophiles review on it? Stereophile also raved about the Holo Spring. I owned the Kitsune Spring for a while and thought it sounded awful, so I'm not giving any more credibility to this review. | |
Lumin T2 vs Lumin A1 I've had the A1 and now have the X1, but haven't heard the T2. Nevertheless, I would choose the T2. The A1 is a nice enough sounding unit but the Wolfson DAC chip it uses is quite dated and to me does not sound as good as the current series of ESS... | |
PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference? Note sure what the SFPs were - whatever I could find at my local computer store. I might have to try different SFPs, though at the moment I'm very happy with the X1 and don't really want to mess with it.I have generally found that ESS based DACs t... | |
PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference? My X1 took well over a month even to start sounding good, and really 2-3 months before becoming exceptional. I have had it now for about 9 months and, seriously, I'm sure it is still improving. I've never before experienced such a dramatic change ... |