
Responses from rodman99999

What year was the Denon 103D discontinued?
Denon USA still had DL-103Ds , in stock, as late as 2002. I believe they STARTED making the 103D in 1977. I bought my first one in 1980, stateside. No data on when it was discontinued, but- IF you still have one; this may be of interest to you: (h... 
Using a 3A fuse in place of a 3.15A fuse?
BOY- Talk about a couple(math and reading) faux pas! Make that 5% OR .05X change in amperage, and ISOCLEAN, not Furutech. Still- shouldn't make any audible difference. I probably shouldn't post while broiling steaks. 
Using a 3A fuse in place of a 3.15A fuse?
No, a .05% change in amperage rating wouldn't make any difference at all, in any way. You might try Hi-Fi Tuning's fuses(the original gold caps). They brought out some nice(what I call), "organics" in my system. The Furutechs may have excited a fa... 
? Tube Replacement Question ?
The gain is not as high, in the other stages(compared to phono related) of your preamp, but noisy/microphonic tubes will still be audible. Upscale's graded tubes are tested for triode balance, as well as noise/microphony, which will also improve c... 
Help shipping Denon DD turntable
The platter lifts off the spindle, and can be wrapped separately in Visqueen, then styrofoam or foam rubber. Makes for a bigger(or another) box, but prevents inertial damage to the spindle and bearings, should jarring occur. 
Wireworld Eclipse Interconnects??
A 4yo thread? Oh well- some FYI: I'm using the Gold Eclipse 6, in a bi-amped system, as my low freq(below 300Hz) ICs. I had Platinum Eclipses in the mains, for a short time(long enough for proper burn-in). I loved the detail, extention, glorious m... 
? Tube Replacement Question ?
You will find it WELL WORTH the cost, to replace all the tubes with certified, "Low Noise" tubes. If you use the phono stage; they are a must, in that position. The higher the gain of the stage, the lower the noise necessary. If you are not using ... 
? Tube Replacement Question ?
Siemens and Telefunken, for tubes that are known for transparency/freq extension. Mullard and Brimar, for a warmer presentation. Amperex(very popular), Phillips ECG and Sylvania, for a middle sonic ground. All their nine pin, dual triode miniature... 
? Tube Replacement Question ?
Something VERY important, when purchasing preamp tubes; being CERTAIN they are CERTIFIED LOW NOISE. ie: Upscale Audio stringently tests and grades their tubes, per their noise, microphony, and triode balance(VERY dependable). ie: (http://www.upsca... 
how do you trear rooms to bring up the null points
Nulls will generally occur in specific room areas. As Kal mentioned; you might want to try moving your listening position closer to, or further from your speakers. Often, it only takes a very few inches to make a difference. 
What defines a high compliance cartridge vs low
Stanwal- At what frequencies were those compliance readings taken? Everything changes DRAMATICALLY, when read at say, 100Hz as compared to 1k or 10kHz. Read the info available at the last site I recommended, as to compliance ratings. The REALLY im... 
What defines a high compliance cartridge vs low
Interesting figures above. FWIW; Anything under 10g is considered LOW MASS, and if a cartridge had a compliance of 50; it would be considered Stratospheric(high compliance STARTS at 20, and the charts only go to 50). I don't know about, "the Old D... 
Which 6SN7's for Rogue 99 Pre
The RCA VT-231(grey glass/bottom getter) will lend a warmer(tubey) sound to the mids, the Ken-Rad VT-231(black glass/bottom getter) a cleaner presentation. Otherwise: they're about equal in detail, imaging and sound stage. 
Why no heated gear?
BTW: I have a number Amp Warmers, like Mitch's, that have been CRYOGENICALLY TREATED and QUANTUM TUNNELED, selling for half of what he's asking. 
Why no heated gear?
The question WAS NOT asked, solely concerning TUBED equipment. In fact: the thread originator asked if he should switch to SS gear, so he could leave it ON all the time(and kept at temp). The atomic, or molecular, activities of EVERY circuit compo...