
Responses from rodman99999

Are phone app spectrum analyzers accurate?
Any analyzer can only be as accurate as it's microphone allows.   Good analyzers/DSP room correction systems come with calibrated mics.    One has to wonder what the frequency curve might look like, of a telephone's mic. 
What do you think is the best make volume control ?? ALPS NOBLE ????
I've got a 50k Ohm stereo Noble(AP25), that I'm not using. Can a 1 1/8" H X 1 1/8" W X 1 1/4" D pot fit your application?   If so-  you can have it for free.    
Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better
Do a little research, regarding the Dunning-Kruger Effect, for a bit of insight.   Then, factor in the fact that aural acuity often varies greatly, between individuals(ie: when the argument swirls around whether things like burn-in, cable directio... 
What I did to my Magnepan MG12's and I'm doing with my new 1.7's
@rhanson739 -  Same here.   Perhaps I should place an ad, offering crossover upgrades, and see what develops.  Anyone interested could contact me through the classifieds. 
What I did to my Magnepan MG12's and I'm doing with my new 1.7's
@rhanson739 -  As an alternative, IF you could handle the most basic of tasks yourself, on the speakers, I could make the new crossover and you could install it.   Making a plug-and-play mod of this , would not be difficult.  Thus far, I've not ... 
What I did to my Magnepan MG12's and I'm doing with my new 1.7's
@rhanson739-   I'm in Indiana and have been performing this kind of upgrade for people(their speaker systems, amps, etc) for decades.    If you still have the original shipping materials and feel comfortable shipping your maggies, we need to fig... 
What I did to my Magnepan MG12's and I'm doing with my new 1.7's
@rhanson739-  Where are you located?  
What I did to my Magnepan MG12's and I'm doing with my new 1.7's
Lots of good info and mods, for planar users, here: ( 
Tact amplifier repair
@m3: The Tact Users Group, mentioned above, is probably your best bet at locating what you need.    All that needed to post a request is a Yahoo account.  Found here: ( 
New format, dislike.....
These things takes 200 to 500 hrs to burn in.  Be patient! 
Proper Room Designs/Dimensions for Best Acoutics
If you(the O.P.) really care, obtain a copy of The Master Handbook of Acoustics by F. Alton Everest. Beginning on page 100(well, mine is a first edition from 1981) there are a series of formulas, suggestions and explanations, regarding indoor acou... 
Acoustic panels - how high?
I treated the top five feet of the wall behind my listening position with 2" Auralex Studiofoam Wedges, with LENRDs in the corners and accomplished the same effect. An added benefit is being able to listen at realist levels, without overloading th... 
Acoustic panels - how high?
Further info, here: ( & ( 
Acoustic panels - how high?
Regardless of a speaker system's dispersion pattern, sound waves travel in a straight line and their angle of reflection will equal their angle of incidence. Thus, an easy way to find the first reflection point, of the waves that will actually rea... 
Acoustic panels - how high?
Follow Elwood's recommendation.