
Responses from rodman99999

Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
Absolute Pitch vs Relative Pitch?      Semantic Gymnastics?      HILARIOUS!       The FACT remains; human senses, mental and physical abilities, WHATEVER the subject(ie: hearing, sight, reflexes, IQ, etc) vary dramatically, AT BIRTH, between indiv... 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
Apparently: the definition of, "aural acuity" even escapes some geniuses.      As with EVERY sense; abilities/sensitivity levels vary, widely.      ie: Some are born with perfect pitch and others, tone deaf.      The first can’t be taught, or- the... 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
@paulcreed - It sounds as though audiozenology’s time in the audio business, mirrors my own, though I may have had opportunity, to have designed more live venues.      Something I did learn, in the over four decades spent professionally, in devoti... 
Merry Christmas!
OY, to the World!   (a Hanukkah wish) 
dedicated line=holes in the drywall?
What crn3371 said, +1. 
More questions about dedicated lines
What spinaker01 said, +1.     Did that(two 10/2 runs, with a twist, to avoid induction), a few decades ago, with excellent results. 
Anybody tried solid silver wire as a jumper on Maggies? Magnepan LRS or other models?
On my first Maggies(SMGa), I tried 1/8" solid silver rod.     Afterward, bypassed the fuse block and jumper connections completely, internally.     Did the bypass on those I owned following, as well(MMG, MG12, 1.7i).     Maggie’s jumpers are ferro... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
Another +1, for Analysis Plus cables. 
Cable septic
btw: If you live anywhere close to Indianapolis; I’d be willing to bring some cables(power, interconnect and speaker), to install/audition in your system.     None of mine are for sale, but- it would be fun and informative. 
Cable septic
"Septic"?     A very apposite descriptive, of so many claims, made on this site.     You’ll never know if a good set of cables will make a difference TO YOU, until you try them, for yourself.     The Cable Company charges 5%, of their going price,... 
Why no “Break in” period?
"rodman,I asked you sincere questions to try and understand your position.Ok, you don’t want to have a conversation where you think through your position to show anyone else it actually makes sense. I guess the whole "here are the reasons why you ... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Enjoy your swirl. 
Why no “Break in” period?
I stand by every statement I’ve made and prof’s copied/pasted, then- twisted.     ie: ONLY experimentation, PROVES whether theories or opinions/biases are correct(no theory has ever proven anything).     The second is PLAINLY an encouragement for ... 
Why no “Break in” period?
"therefore my experience has verified the claim and anyone who doesn’t hear what I hear is at fault."???                                          PLEASE, point out any post, in which I’ve ever put forth such a proposition.     I’ve never had an ag... 
Why no “Break in” period?
SO; the bottom line of all this discussion(according to some) would be, "It’s a waste of time, trying to upgrade your system/listening pleasure, by actually auditioning(LISTENING), since YOU’RE too inept to tell if there’s an improvement in sound,...