
Responses from rodman99999

How many people wish they could maintain and/or service/modify their own tube equipment?
Some shouldn’t ride Harleys, or Skydive.      Some should never pick up a hammer(for any reason), or soldering iron(near tube gear).      Some things are harder to get killed with, than others.      Gravity and high voltages, can prove very unforg... 
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
"To user above who uses ARC do you still get diffusion boards and carpets and etc?"      The better the room acoustics, the less the correction needed.      To me(my opinion); ARC shouldn’t be used to grind away major room/system problems.      Ju... 
Expectations after re cap of power-amp
If your caps were compromised; it should sound better, soon as you get it back.      Chances are good; it will sound(increasingly) better, as the new electrolytics, "form", their oxide layer. 
How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?
Note the date:   and:  
How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?  
Is Auto Room Correction Right For You? Well, Here You Go...
My TacT RCS 2.2X(heavily modified), has been doing a fine job,  going on two decades. 
Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?
This may be of interest, to some:  
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Rectifier For Cary SLP 05
Slightly less warm/better definition(realism), but- still with an extended life expectancy(20K to 30K hours).      There are also a few differing iterations, within their metal base, GZ34s, that will vary slightly in presentation.      I prefer th... 
Rectifier For Cary SLP 05
Personally; there are only two 5AR4 iterations, that I would consider against the Mullard(Blackburn) GZ34.      Both, from Philips:    and:    No connection to either reference. 
How much is "LOUD" still a reference point for some?
When I can feel my presence, within the same volume/expanse of air, as the original recording venue: it’s, "loud" enough. Difficult, with certain pipe organ, direct to discs(yeah- and Telarc cannons, too). 
Replacing capacitors in Dalquist DQ-10 Speakers
+1, on the Mid-Bass' electrolytic, being replaced.     Back when I was upgrading/mirror-imaging the DQ-10s, in my shop; those caps hadn't been compromised yet(it's been a minute).  Easy to forget, how many years it's been(denial, I suppose). 
Replacing capacitors in Dalquist DQ-10 Speakers
If your capacitors are the original, yellow, metalized Mylar pieces; they don’t need replacement.      They’re not affected, by age.     Of course; there are numerous newer capacitors, that would offer a different presentation.            Whether ... 
True Story! OFC speaker cable
Do you do windows?       You should find critical peeking, er...... viewing easier, with much sharper imaging. 
Vacuum tube ! And Warnings
Prudent step one, before inserting new tubes(when possible): turn the bias to zero.     That's after one has ascertained amp/tube compatibility.