Responses from robm321
Sony XA777ES or Rega Apollo for Redbook CD's I have the XA777ES. I understand what you mean about the musicality part. It isn't sterile but is a bit analytical. The options filter helps that if you haven't tried that yet. I enjoy listening to the Redbook of the Sony - it is far more detailed... | |
MAPLESHADE RECORDINGS I agree. I don't like to buy just because of the recording quality, and I am not really interested in the talent that Mapleshade has to offer. | |
Whats the best MC cartridge for my new VPI SCOUT? Dyna Karat | |
Are the Beatles the reason why modern music exists If it is shame on them. The top modern music is country and rap. | |
Senn 600 vs AKG 601or 701 The Grado's are good for rock or basically any music with a beat. It sounds good on all music though. The RS-1 with the mahogany sounds really good with acoustic guitars, violins, etc. After listening to the Grados, the Senns can sound boring simp... | |
Suggestions on used CD Player with Volume Control Cary 308T. | |
Dared amps I've read a review. I think the thing is you can get a tube amp, DAC, and USB option all for a relatively low price. The only problem is the sound didn't seem that great. I'd stick with Antique Sound Lab for budget tube amps that sound great. | |
MUSICAL FIDELITY A5 CD PLAYER PROBLEM Yes. Send it back for repair, then hit your cap lock key on your keyboard and you should be good. | |
ASL MG OTL 32 DT I agree with all the above posts. I have the MGhead (original) and had a lot of buzzing in one channel. Fortunately, my dealer knew someone that quieted down the tubes. It sounds great now. I've had no problems since. I also have a new ASL AQ1001D... | |
Looking for headphones, any suggestions? Mdhoover. You bring up a very good point. I use a radio shack decibal meter and a peice of board agains the phones to make sure they are under 80db's. Just to be safe. It may seem anal, but when I'm 60 I will be able to hear quality music still. | |
Looking for headphones, any suggestions? If you can stretch the AKG K1000 is in another league by itself, very amazing, but it will need rewire and a pricey amp. You will get world class sound with all this though. I prefer the Senn 600/cardas cable to the Senn 650 which has more bass co... | |
Tube CD Player Recommendations You'd be lucky to get a used Cary 308T, but at your budget maybe the Jolida JD100 | |
Antique Sound What headphones are you driving? | |
Sony xa777 player question You have to choose on hybrid disks only - Otherwise it detects SACD disks and redbook for you. Analog sound? That's subjective. SACD is very good and sounds close to analog, but I wouldn't say it's the most analog sound out there. The redbook is s... | |
Amp recommendation for AKG K1000's headphones? I think the Cary 300SEI is good all around period. It's wonderful for speakers as well. I haven't tried it, but I think the best synergy from what I've been reading on headfi is the First Watt F1 because of the current it supplies? I've heard the ... |