
Responses from roberjerman

Why do Classical CDs sound less Alive/Real/Present ?
I recommend the classical recordings made by Donald Fine (Mercury Living Presence) using just one mic above the conductor. So the sound captured is what he heard. I like this better than the multi-miked approach - though good recordings (RCA Livin... 
Audiodesk pro with only water
Distilled water alone is not enough! You need to add a surfacant to release the H2O's inherent surface tension! A small amount of a glass cleaner (Windex) will do just as well as any premium record cleaning fluid. That's what I use - with sparklin... 
Bryston or Aragon
Bryston all the way! Forget Aragon! Long out of business! I use a Bryston 3B and a .5 preamp with a pair of Speakerlab 7's. This combination is particularly good for Rock music. And the cost was low, too! 
Slight Hardness on LP's
Record quality varies from abysmal to sublime. And has always been so! Just get used to the fact that some will send better than others. Rock recordings are particularly egrious regarding sound quality due to multi-tracking and studio trickery (co... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Led Zeppelin - Presence (Marino and Page remastered CD).  
Audio Research D240 mkll vs Adcom GFA-555
Keep your modded 555! A great N.Pass design! You will just be wasting money on that ARC amp (and having future reliability issues with it)! Even the stock 555 is a formidable contender!  
Electrical interference questions for speaker cable and adjacent subwoofer power cord
I have never found any interference from power cords lying near (or on top of) speaker wires! Though the neurotics will be aghast from my statement! 
Electrical interference questions for speaker cable and adjacent subwoofer power cord
I had a system set up that way using four mono amps - two for the main speaker pair and two for the bass speakers. And an active crossover to route the signals from the preamp to the respective four amps.  
Electrical interference questions for speaker cable and adjacent subwoofer power cord
No problem with ANY juxtaposition of power cords and speaker wires! Naturally a tidy layout looks better! An amp located near your receiver/preamp/main amp is my preference. That way you can have an active crossover in the same location to split t... 
Most annoying post period
All the posts praising newly acquired power cords and fuses. Second would be  ICs and speaker wire! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Rolling Stones Now! London LL3420 mono 1964. 
Bookshelf speakers for a NAD C368 integrated amp
Why waste money? Get the PSB Alpha 5's and a good TT/cartridge/LPs with the money saved! Only $349! Check out Atkinson's test and review in the October Stereophile.  
I loved the AR 93 - What was wrong with me?
In fact, I now recall on passing on a pair I saw at my local Goodwill years ago! 
I loved the AR 93 - What was wrong with me?
I could happily live with a pair of AR93's! 
I loved the AR 93 - What was wrong with me?
Not enough snob appeal for the well-heeled! Now if the AR93 had a 5 figure price tag ...