
Responses from roberjerman

Pioneer PLX1000 ($700) is a great TT! Add a $500 Hana LE mc cartridge and you'll have a vinyl playback system competitive with far more costly gear! 
List of most high end analog active crossovers ever made.
Yes, from the old days of ARC when Bill Johnson ran the company!  
Seeking advice--upgrading decades old audio system
See my above post! Pair a Carver 1.5T amp (450 wpc) with a Carver preamp and you will have a system that can compete with today's expensive gear! 
Are there any current high end dipole speakers (dynamic)?
Carver Amazing Platinums - 48" ribbon midrange/tweeter and 4 12" woofers in a trapezoidal open baffle! Still a killer system after all these years! Beats any Magneplanar! Get a Carver 1.5T to power them and you will have a system easily capable of... 
List of most high end analog active crossovers ever made.
Audio Research EC-21 tube x-over 
Stellar Labs stereo system, stellar or bottom dweller?
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear - Old English proverb! 
Creek CD50
BASH and expired patents
@kijanki : the AAA circuit is just the feed-forward topology invented by Peter Walker (of Quad fame) back in 1976! He used it in the Quad 405 and later amps. I have a 405 in my collection. It is an excellent sounding amp (90 wpc)!  
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC?
I don't believe in re-tipping. When my Denons get too worn I can trade them in for new replacements. And they can certainly go beyond 300 hours by use of Stylast.  
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC?
The PLX1000 has a medium mass arm. It works fine with the low-compliance Denon mc. I have other TTs with high-mass arms (Empires) that are certainly suitable for mc cartridges. Plus also two Fidelity Research arms designed by the late Ikeda-san (F... 
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC?
The MI cartridges (moving iron - Grado/SoundSmith/B&O) are much better with far lower inductance. And consequently much better high end and faster transients. They are certainly competitive with MCs. I have several Grados. In fact back in 1977... 
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC?
All the typical MM cartridges (Shure/Stanton/AT/Ortofon ...) have coil inductance measured in HUNDREDS of milli-henries! This rolls off the high frequencies and slows transient response. Hardly what can be called "high fidelity"! 
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC?
The Pioneer PLX1000 is the hands-down winner in the sub - $1K TT category! Ditto for the Denon 103 mc in below - $500 cartridges! 
Cartridge upgrade for vintage TT - MM or MC?
Forget MM cartridges! None of them sounds as good as even the venerable Denon 103 (and its variants)! These have always been my go-to choice for a budget price! When I wanted to add a NEW TT to my collection of vintage TTs I bought a Pioneer PLX10... 
Why do Classical CDs sound less Alive/Real/Present ?
Get some of the Mercury Living Presence CDs mastered by Wilma Fine! Far more natural sounding than the typical Columbia and Deutsche Grammaphone multi-miked affairs!