
Responses from roberjerman

What define "musicality" ? And what constitute "musicality" in audio ?
"Musicality" - a term equivalent to watching music waveforms on an oscilloscope!  
Using Mark Levinson No. 380 preamp output simultaneously
YES! No problem! 
Differences between cd transports?
Anybody remember the CEC belt-drive transport from back around '90?  
The Carver Amp Challenge and the 21st Century and it's Failure
@harrylavo : I bought my first Audionics CC2 back in '78. Later added a second one! Now, all these years later, still have one (number 3) in my collection! A superb sounding amp! 
Just picked up some Carver Amazings anybody famailiar with them?
The Amazing Platinums do like a lot of power - four 12'' woofers per speaker! No need for subs! 
Just picked up some Carver Amazings anybody famailiar with them?
My friend Harry had a pair of the Amazing Platinums back in '92 - '93. He bought them used for $600 (list price $5K). Powered them with a Carver amp. Signal source was a CD player. Excellent SQ: wide open sound stage, realistic image height, solid... 
Audire Diffet 1 hum
@jea48 : The difference in ground voltage potential between the two halves of an ungrounded AC cord is usually trivial and not a cause of sudden hum!  
Audire Diffet 1 hum
An appearance of hum in old equipment is most likely due to aging power supply capacitors! An easy and affordable fix! 
Are todays digital recordings engineered to sound best on a smartphones?
Pop/rock has always been compromised! Classical and jazz have fared much better soundwise! 
Recommendation for tube amp.
Get the new Dyna ST70! Great review in Stereophile! And the price is right! 
When the Audio Critic was subjective.
I would best describe Peter Aczel as a rationalist regarding music and its various storage/playback methods over the decades. He would always want to know "why" and questioned established dogma regarding music systems! 
When the Audio Critic was subjective.
After the arrival in 1983 of the CD he abandoned the LP as a reference source. Aczel called LP playback "buggy whip" technology and embraced digital sources as music's future. Naturally this engendered much hate from the analog uber-alles crowd! 
When the Audio Critic was subjective.
Aczel was also the first to publish a comprehensive chart for determining proper alignment for a wide range of tonearm lenghts, stylus-to-pivot distance, offset angles and overhang distances. This chart was for the Baerwald alignment. And he discu... 
When the Audio Critic was subjective.
I have followed The Audio Critic from the beginning (1977) to its end. For the most part Peter Aczel's recommendations were spot on! He made a serious attempt to reconcile measurements with listening trials. Unlike the all-over-the-map conclusions... 
Strange turntable/speaker issue
All phono stages should have a low cut filter! Much cleaner and tighter bass, less distortion! You can most likely still use your present stand for the TT. The floor is not a good place for any TT! Cement blocks are preferable! Here mass is your f...