
Responses from roberjerman

alternative music guitar heroes
Add Wurzel from Motorhead and the esteemed Buckethead! 
alternative music guitar heroes
Here's a formidable axe-slinger that has largely escaped notice: Gary Lucas of Captain Beefheart and Gods And Monsters fame! 
Does your mood reflect your media choice?
Listen to, collect and cherish LPs, but often it's just easier to pop in a CD and press PLAY! 
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
Change in ownership is often bad for speaker companies! I agree that the original Chatsworth Infinity speakers (when Arnie and Cary ran things) were really special! I still have a pair of the Monitor 1A's and a pair of 2000A's! Both sound real goo... 
alternative music guitar heroes
Allan Holdsworth gets my vote! Sadly no longer on this mortal plane! 
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
Last, the Snell Type A shook up the speaker world when it appeared in 1977 at a price of $1390/pr!  
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
Let us not forget the Dahlquist DQ10 (John Dahlquist and Saul Marantz), the Vandersteen 1 and 2 and the BBC LS3/5A. All appeared in the mid-70's and offered near-SOTA sound at affordable prices! 
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
Smart marketing counts for a lot, too! Look at the success of Tekton!  
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
The DCM TW 1 succeeded by: innovative design and a price that made it affordable by most anybody - and sound quality rivaling that of the Quad ESL! Truly a breakthrough product at the right time (mid-to-late 70's). 
I feel bad for speaker manufacturers
What the marketplace today needs is a "world-beater" speaker like the DCM Time Window. Debuted in 1976 at $660/pr and finished production years later at $1200/pr after a total of 30,000 + pairs! Near perfect phase and impulse response (thanks to t... 
What is an Audiophile? Here's the list for newbies.
Someone who has Issue Number 1 of TAS! Alas, I lost my copy when I moved south to Florida! That copy I acquired from the collection of the original owner (my deceased friend Harry B.). 
Cartridge for a Onkyo CF-1280f?
For a mere $75 the Grado Labs Prestige Black 2 cartridge (MI) appears to be the best choice of all the sub-$500 cartridges! And maybe even the sub-$1K's! Highly recommended! 
PP Ultralinear VS PP Pentode
Ultralinear was invented by Daniel Kerhoes and David Hafler back in the 50's as a way of getting lower distortion compared to PP pentode. Most famously utilized in the Stereo 70 amp (world's best selling tube amp!). 
Mark Levinson 390S Question
Going direct into an amp is the best way. Your 390S has enough voltage output to suffice. No need to add another active stage! Regarding the 44.1/48K issue, the processor will automatically lock onto whatever the incoming digital signal's native f... 
What is an Audiophile? Here's the list for newbies.
A requirement is a belief in Flat Earth Science - FES! Now where did I put those Mpingo discs?