
Responses from rlwainwright

Despise conventional dome tweeters
Try listening to some Gallos, I find their tweeters to be superb...-RW- 
Dh-Labs, KCI or Element interconnect
I'd recommend you not spend big money (> $100) on interconnects, your system is not going to benefit in any meaningful way.-RW- 
Best high end monitors?
"Any active speaker is better than any passive speaker."What a crock. Never make blanket statements like that, you are simply showing your ignorance.-RW- 
Best Audio DVD Universal Player Arcam, Denon...?
Oppo DV-983H - $420 brand new. I'm selling one for $375 shipped (contact offlist if interested). Or wait for Oppo's new BluRay Universal for $499 - $599.-RW- 
A spousal revelation ... and a tall order. Help
The *best* imaging speakers I ever heard were the old KEF 105, 105.2, and 103.2s - razor-sharp. However, you had to lock your head in a vice for it. And they needed a boatload of power to get the bass you're looking for.For newer speakers, the Gal... 
Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?
Butler, Manley - Not often you can converse directly with the designer/cheif engineerOppo - Excellent customer service and bang-for-the-buck products.-RW- 
Recommendation for small footprint Center channel?
Shameless plug: I have a Gallo Due for sale and it IS a fantastic center channel speaker - $350. Contact me off-list...-RW- 
Toslink vs SPDIF converter..optical wins
FYI, MonoPrice has a VERY nice TOSlink cable available for dirt cheap. Go to MonoPrice.com and do a search using the term "fancy". I just bought one of these for $6.00 (not a typo) and I could not believe how well-built it was. It looks for all th... 
Can digital cables be used as interconnects?
Yes, coax digital cables can be used as regular RCA interconnects. They sound fine. MonoPrice has some very good coax digital cables that are surprisingly well-built and quite inexpensive...-RW- 
Looking for a good solid state integrated
The Absolute Sound really liked this NAD:http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=NAC372-RW- 
OPINIONS: solid state amps under $2000
You can satisfy both your cravings by getting a Butler TDB-2250: MOSFET-based, tube hybrid. There is one on Agon for $2200/obo - I bet you can get it for $1995, check it out:http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?ampstran&1232413976&/Butle... 
the Digital Millineum Copyright Act criminalizes
The law is ridiculously onerous for the end-user. In addition, how do they reconcile the collection of a tax that was intended to pay the copyright holders with the restrictions placed on folks by the DMCA? This is why "Music" CDs are more expensi... 
3.1 channel processor....is there such a thing?
The Emotiva UMC-1 is gonna be a giant killer, just give it a few weeks to appear... 
Best SACD player $1,000-$1,500 Range
Wow, the Denon 5910 that just sold here for $500 had to be the BEST deal ever! Even at their usual price of $1000+ they are competitive...-RW- 
Vizio 1080p for PC . Any good for movies too?
Looks like it would be very nice for what you want to do. The 3ms refresh time is blazing fast, video games and sports on TV should look terrific. I'd say go for it!-RW-