
Responses from rlwainwright

Bybee conditioner question
Oh for goodnes sakes! You weren't actually considering spending money on Bybee's snake oil, were you? If you want to do something really good, take the money and send it to Oxfam or some other worthy charity. Someone will *really* benefit, you'll ... 
3 channel tube amp for home theater?
Check out the Butler Audio TDB-3150, 3-channel tube/MOSFET hybrid. These are EXCELLENT amps.-RW- 
Are lossless Codec's worth upgrading my processor
Well, I've heard the new codecs and I stand by my assessment. They are better. But it is not a jaw-dropping difference, that's just the usual audiophile overstatement engine at work...-RW- 
Budget Subwoofer?
There's a great Ve;odyne 10" right here for $250, better jump on it!-RW- 
Need sub
Do a search here and at Audio Asylum, there are quite a few subs available in your price range. I bought a 10" KLH sub last year for $75. It's not the greatest sub in the world, but it gets the job done in my bedroom and was eminently affordable..... 
Are lossless Codec's worth upgrading my processor
Yes, the new codecs are better. Are they "night and day" better, no. If your new BluRay player can decode the newer codecs, stick with your current processor and let the player do the decoding.Your best bet might be to wait for the new Oppo BluRay... 
cdp soundstage
"I recorded from lp onto disc and the soundstage shrank big time.cds,compared to lps are quite compressed..."That's odd since CDs have a MUCH greater signal to noise ratio. If the LP was properly recorded and transferred to CD I'll bet you couldn'... 
Newbie Setup Question - Digital
And you can get a VERY good quality TosLink (optical) cable from Monoprice for a ridiculously low price, check this out - 12 foot cable for $6.00:http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=102&cp_id=10229&cs_id=1022901&p_id=276... 
Testing speakers in room
Most of your issues could be fixed using an equalizer, give that a try. And 10db is a big peak (or trough). You'd probably like the system's sound better if you could get those leveled out to no more than 4-6db.Merry Christmas!-RW- 
Does good technology guarantees musicality?
No. It either faithfully reproduces the original analog signal or it doesn't. "Musical" is a highly subjective term that is impossible to quantify.-RW- 
Surround speakers slightly in front OK?
Don't sweat it, it will sound fine. If at all possible, however, try aiming the speakers to a location behind you. This should help to overcome their less than textbook-style placement.Merry Christmas!-RW- 
sacd interconnects
Here is another site with very nice cables for safe and sane prices [grin]:http://www.knukonceptz.com/productMaster.cfm?Category=RCA%20InterconnectsThey have 4 quality levels, pick the level you feel best suits your needs/budget...Good luck!-RW- 
R&B recording with analog like sound but on CD?
If you can play back DTS-encoded CDs there are several really *excellent* sounding ones: Bonnie Raitt's "Road Tested" and Junior Wells' "Come On In This House". These 2 discs will really make your system shine, guest listeners will be astonished..... 
What would happen if?
BlindJim, you sure took the long way 'round John's barn on that one, son! [smile]. But, he's absolutely right - some extra cable hanging off ain't gonna make any difference in the sound, it's not in the circuit...-RW- 
sacd interconnects
Here ya go: 6 ft. coax digital/audio cable, nicely built with good, solid connectors. I have several sets of these and they're great. And, yes, they'll work just fine as standard audio cables. Price is per cable, you'll need 6 of these. You'll jus...