
Responses from rlwainwright

Am I going to blow the Gallo A'divas
Your speakers will be fine. But if you could swing the Stradas instead it would be worth it, they are much better than the A'Divas...-RW- 
Brands w/ first order x-over, time & phase aligned
Gallo Reference speakers all incorporate 1st order and crossoverless designs as well a time and phase coherency. They are among the least expensive and better sounding speakers that do so...-RW- 
Why do designers/manufacturers...?
I'm thinking that most mfgrs. see very little value in the tweaks that are heralded by many audiophiles. If the stuff really worked, especially the cheaper tweaks, you can bet they'd be incorporated into the design....-RW- 
"mix and match" speaker cables.
As long as the cables are electrically correct, no harm could come from this...-RW- 
Best Sounding Musicians
I would most certainly agree with David Gilmour on guitar, his tone is impeccable. And for someone with chops to die for, I'd add Danny Gatton on guitar - maybe the best guitarist ever...-RW- 
first impressions of Pass XA30.8
Paragraph beaks, please!!-RW- 
Transparent Super MM2 Vs Zen Satori Speaker Cables
Wow, somebody has a lot of free time on his hands...-RW- 
Power from Wall
You should be okay with your current (heh, heh) service. If the breakers don't trip, and I really doubt they will, you're good to go. I would go ahead and install the system and see how things play out...-RW- 
Can't decide on Integrated Amp - Please Help
The Harman/Kardon 990 amp has gotten very good reviews and has a terrific amp section (VERY high current capability), can handle up to 2 subwoofers, plus it has room correction capabilities - very sweet! And it's $1995 brand new. Definitely check ... 
I would definitely go with the Emotiva components. The UMC-200 is a very good prepro for the money and the UPA-700 should do quite well in your environment. The Emo stuff has a longer warranty than Sony.And I used to own the L-65 Jubals. Those wer... 
Earliest "MOST WANTED" gear
>>What was the "system of your dreams" before you dipped your toes into the water? <<I pretty much had my dream system when I 1st got started in the late 60s. It was a full quadrophonic system comprising a Sansui 9090db, Dual 1229 turn... 
Aragon 4004 power light on but no sound
If you get it running again, do NOT power it off... -RW- 
What can I improve in my audio system for better s
I would replace the Monitor Audio speakers with B&Ws that closely match your current ones. This will provide you with proper timbre matching and will greatly improve the overall quality of your soundfield. This is not a subtle improvement...-RW- 
How can I drive a very large passive subwoofer?
You could, alternatively, sell the Emotiva amp and get something like the Crown XLS Series amp. They have big power capability and built-in crossover. Do a Google search for Crown XLS-1500, XLS-2000, etc...-RW- 
Ultimate center speaker in a small HT set up?
Morgan, I found one of the biggest improvements to my HT system came when I timbre-matched all of my speakers. I have Gallo Ref. 3.1s for front L/R, Gallo Ref. AV Center, and Ref. AV surrounds. The coherence of the soundfield was greatly improved ...