
Responses from rlwainwright

Can I ever stand to listen to our system again
The love she had for the music and times you shared together will live on with you every time you sit down and enjoy the system she helped build. Remember the good times and know that she is smiling down upon you even now.My sincerest good wishes ... 
Need help understanding tube wpc
As usual, Sean nails it! 
Need help understanding tube wpc
D_Edwards offered:>>Yamamoto tube amplifier look at the harmonic by products which are ADDED to a simple 50hz signal, now these byproducts do not effect the voltage or WATTS, so in this case the tube 100 watts offer a great deal more sound t... 
Experience on B&W N800 with Tube Amplifier
B&Ws like to see a high current source, tube amps are generally not. No urban legend, just basic electronics theory. You'd be better off using a much higher efficiency speaker if you're going to use tube amps. Think Zu, Avant Garde, Klipsch, e... 
If I add a power amp to my NAD receiver....
Most NAD receivers I've seen have a "pre-out", so you should be able to add an external power amp. Doing so will bypass the internal amp, the external amp will be your power source. Make sure the external amp is at least twice as powerful or you w... 
Need help understanding tube wpc
A watt is a watt. Watts = Volts x Amps. The equation has no idea whether you used a tube or a transistor. SS amplifiers usually have more current (amps) and tube amplifiers usually have more voltage, and their interaction with the speakers impedan... 
Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp
I am decidedly in the "speakers are more important" camp. They are the transducers, going from electrical to mechanical energy. In addition, they interface *directly* with the room. Get the speakers right for the room and the amp is a doddle.One o... 
How is Windows Vista?
He flat out tells you he can't get a Mac and you advise him to get a Mac. Are you dense? Or just your typical Mac user attitude showing thru.Yes, Windows Vista has far superior audio capabilities. Don't know about the K-mixer problem. I would reco... 
grateful dead dick's picks
It's not too hard if you pay attention [smile].1) Get a bit torrent client. I use Azureus. The bit torrent client is the program that reads torrent files and then downloads the music files you want.Azureus: http://sourceforge.net/projects/azureus/... 
HiFI Fuses ?
Sure they do. Almost as much difference as the Shakti Stones and Clever Little Crock.Gimme a break...-RW- 
Gallo Reference 3.1 distance from walls?
Try to get at least 1 meter clearance if you can. 2 meters would be better still for a deeper soundstage. Limiting (or re-locating) any equipment placed between the speakers will also help quite a bit. I have an HDTV in between mine that is set ba... 
Grateful Dead Remasters?
I have American Beauty and Workingman's Dead on DVD-Audio and they sound *superb*. Good use of surround sound and some of the tracks have different mizes than the originals. Highly recommended!-RW- 
Home made cable lifters.
>> For the absolute best cable/floor isolation, take fishing line and suspend them from the ceiling...You might start with a good clear monofilament or fluorocarbon line at 10lb test...Then try different line strengths and colors, and height... 
grateful dead dick's picks
If bucks are really tight, you might consider seeking out torrents of GD shows - there are hundreds (maybe thousands) of soundboard-quality shows in circulation right now. Just get a torrent client (BitTorrent or Azureus), do a Google search for "... 
hdmi cable: are there different levels of quality?
>> will i see a vast differrence between RGB and HDMI?<<No. The difference is slight, if at all.>>Is there a range of quality of these cables? <<Of course. However, IMHO it isn't worth paying the enormous difference. Severa...