
Responses from rlwainwright

Speaker Suggestions?
Revel Ultimas - would sound great with your electronics.-RW- 
Headphone Recommendations
Also, look at the AKG K271s - they have a more closed design, could be better for an office environment. They are all 55 ohm and will match up nicely with portable devices. Check FleaBay for these, also.=RW- 
Headphone Recommendations
I have Sennheiser 580s and LOVE 'em. However, for your friend's application, I would recommend the AKG K240 *Studio* headphones. Be sure to get the Studio version, they have 55 ohm impedance instead of the 600 ohm impedance of the standard version... 
Best 5 disc cd player for the $
I've been using an HK DVD50 as my backup for a while and it sounds pretty good. Plays all CD types (and DVDs, with progressive scan, DTS), decodes HDCD, and has 192Khz DACS. I imagine they can be had for $150-200 nowadays.-RW- 
What is the best 1080p hdmi cable to buy?
Best one to buy? A cheap one. Go to MonoPrice.com, you can snag a great cable for $10-$100...-RW- 
Best way to copy LPs to CD's using a Computer
I would recommend you bypass the PC altogether and simply purchase a decent consumer-grade CD recorder. You can find 'em on Audiogon or FleaBay for a couple hundred bucks. Do all your transfers and then turn around and sell the unit for a minor lo... 
best all-round,full range at $2000
I am quite biased about this, owning a pair myself. I'd have to say the Gallo Ref 3s are the deal of the decade, even at their retail price (~ $3k). There are several pairs on Audiogon right now for ~ $2k...-RW- 
Anyone a Regina Spektor fan?
Ask your sister to implore Regina to find another venue in Washington, DC besides the 9:30 Club. The place is a dump, the staff is downright spooky, and they're located in a very sketchy neighborhood. I think she'd do well to try a booking at Iota... 
What should be the first component when upgrading?
You are most welcome, Bob. Even though you always hear the adage "garbage in, garbage out" - and it IS true - I have found the most profound differences are between different speakers. And, the speakers are the only element in the chain that DIREC... 
What should be the first component when upgrading?
It's funny that you would agree with the "front end first" recommendations, yet the (positive) difference you heard was from upgrading the end of the chain (via the headphones). Think about it...ALWAYS buy the best speakers you can afford and then... 
Life is complicated, lets keep it simple.
From a PC-centric standpoint, allow me to offer my experience. I am running a wireless network in my home using a LinkSys Broadband router. The router is located in my basement along with 3 desktop PCs and a laptop PC. I have approx. 1 terabyte of... 
Your favorite prog rock music? ?
All right! I'm jumpin' in! A lot of the older, original groups have been listed already. My fave-o-rite NEW prog-rock group? Porcupine Tree!! Gonna see 'em 2 days in a row next month. For some *obscure* prog-rock, check out Symphonic Slam with Tim... 
How to stabilize speakers without spikes.
>> What would you pros do now? <<Ummm, get a new wife? Just kidding. I'd find some spike cups and place them under the spikes. Keep in mind, replacing your carpeted floor with a hard-reflecting wood or tile surface is gonna do a number... 
Speaker cone fading
There is a product I use for detailing my motorcycles and car that does a *spectacular* job in restoring a deep black color to vinyl, rubber, painted metal, etc. It has never damaged anything I've used it on. It is called S-100 Engine Brightener a... 
Digital Cable Music Choice
>> Ok thanks , what would be the best choice using the analog outputs on the cable box ot Digital coax OR toslink fiber ? <<Whatever. The difference is going to be using the better DACs found in your pre-pro rather than the ones in the...