
Responses from rlwainwright

Recommended Pressing of Sgt Pepper's
Look for the DTS upmix, sounds great, no tick and pops.-RW- 
TOP Format
1 DVD - A2 SACD3 Vinyl (*If* in perfect condition, rarely true)4 CD (HDCD and XRCD would make this #3)5 Music Server (Serving lossless files)6 Reel to Reel tape (very dependent upon speed, width, tape formulation)7 Satellite +/- external DA conver... 
Best Video switching Preamp $1000
Check out the Emotiva MMC-1, a little bit more than a grand ($1199) but it appears to be a VERY nice unit with a 5 year warranty. They also have a less expensive alternative, check out their website...http://emotiva.com/mmc1.html-RW- 
multi-channel solution
"I think it'll be hard to find both pre and amp at that price point. But, consider Outlaw (pre and amp) and ATI (amp). "Really? Then how do you account for this?http://www.emotiva.com/products.htmlLook at the Reference Series, $2199 for the whole ... 
Favorite driving music
"What's in your vehicle's cdp right now? "Widespread Panic, live in concert. I listen quite a bit to jambands, so most of the time I find myself listening to Panic, Moe, String Cheese, New Monsoon, and Steve Kimock. When I'm really blasting on the... 
When is your system good enough-and why?
IMHO, your system is "good enough" when you stop listening to the components and find yourself listening to the music.I have achieved this with my current system. While it may not be everyone's cup o' tea, I feel that I can finally sit back for a ... 
Can a new DAC make a 6 disc changer sound better?
Running the changer thru something like a Benchmark DAC would certainly net an improvement. But keep in mind, this is not going to be a "night and day" type of improvement. It will be subtle, but definitely "hearable". Is it worth the expense (~ $... 
Spare change on a speaker cabinet
Oh for goodness sakes. You're not serious, are you? Sit back, think about it for a while, and see if you don't feel silly for asking that question....-RW- 
CDP Upgrade: Around 2k Used
I'm surprised no one has mentioned getting something like a modded Denon 3910. Even a stock unit has terrific sound and they're built like tanks. There's a RAM modded unit here for $1600 right now...-RW- 
acoustic system resonators
They look like spittoons for insects to me. It's hard to imagine how you could possibly justify their cost...-RW- 
Anyone going to see Loreena McKennitt?
I really like Loreena, and she's coming here in a few weeks. But man, those tix are expensive, $75 ea. for less than premium seats. I'm afraid I'll have to pass on this one.As a comparison, I'm going to see John Mayall for $25, Zero the next night... 
What direction do I take for an upgrade?
>> I am on somewhat of a budget, being in college. So I was trying to make a complete system and then upgrade gradually. I am definitely open to switching brands and appreciate the suggestion, but like I said, I am working on a budget. <&... 
What sample size and rate to rip?
"About the resampling... I just thought that maybe would be better if I upsample in the pc to 24/96 and then send the data to the DAC. This way a DAC that upsamples to only 24/96 wouldn't have to do it in real time anymore, just the DA conversion.... 
Very small bookshelf speakers / system
The Denon system is a pretty good one. The speakers are made by Mission, and that's a good thing...-RW- 
Wireless Music Bridge, Soundbridge, etc.
Jim, I think we've conversed on this subject before. The only real trick to setting up the MusicBridge is to use a hardwire connection (Ethernet cable) when you do the intial setup. After that it's pretty much a doddle. I never get any dropouts fr...