
Responses from rlwainwright

Subwoofer to go with bottlehead system
I am getting good performance out of an Earthquake SuperNova MKIV 10" sub mated to my Gallo Ref 3s and Dues. There are two for sale on Audiogon right now for $300 or less - this is a steal...-RW- 
Digital Cable Music Choice
Background music? Cable box? Waste of money, don't bother with a new cable...-RW- 
Bob Dylan finally makes sense....
>> Saying that a person can't sing because you don't appreciate that particular tonal quality is like remarking that somebody can't play the clarinet because you don't personally like the sound of clarinets. <<Huh? In Bob's case, it wo... 
How do I adjust the VU meters on my Tandberg 3014?
If you can remove the meters, why not use the good meter for setting your left channel? This way, both channels will be in sync.In addition, the meters at rest should drop all the way to the left, not remain at 0 db. 0 db is the maximum recording ... 
Any thoughts on the CD "trimmer"
Albert wrote:>> Missti, ask Krell about how I discovered that overhead halogen lights, shining through the Plexiglas lid of their MD10 CD transport effected the bit stream to the D to A converter. <<That may be so, Albert, but the fact... 
Best earplugs?
I ride motorcycles - a lot. Been doing it for over 35 years. My wife snores - a lot. Been sleeping with her for over 25 years [smile]. My hearing (and my marriage) is still very good because I've been using earplugs for quite some time now.The ver... 
''Manuf. warranty '' with non-authorized vendor ?
This dealer wouldn't be on eBay selling Gallos, would he? I purchased a pair of Gallo Dues from these guys and got suspicious when the SNs on the speakers did NOT match the ones on the box ("factory sealed boxes, never opened" - yeah, right). A qu... 
Sub $1K Floorstanders for NAD C320BEE
I've got a very nice pair of Paradigm Studio 80s, rosenut veneer, sitting in their boxes right now - well under $1,000... 
Best Rock Drummers
No one has mentioned Kenny Aronoff and he should be recognized. Also, check out Rodney Holmes, he is simply incredible.-RW- 
recommendation for best $1500 speakers?
The Gallo Ref 3s are coming into that range, I just snagged a choice pair here for $1700. Give 'em 3-4 months and they should be in your price range. Pretty hard to top that speaker for less than $5k/pr.-RW- 
Automatic Man?????
Oh yeah, I remember Automatic Man (moves just like a computer!)Check Half.com - two re-mastered import CDs available for approx. $11.00 ea. + shipping.-RW- 
Dilemma of Warped LPs - is seller liable?
Mint most certainly does NOT mean warped - would you accept a new album in such condition? The seller owes you a refund, plain and simple.-RW- 
Help First Audiophile system
Go with the $150 NAD deal, you'll have good tunes to listen to while you save up for a "better" system. $150 is a no-brainer, do it! 
What am I missing?
Smartest reply so far, MacroJack...-RW- 
Soundlab M1 and Alpha-Core cables
Sean wrote:>> Not to single Eldartford out, but he was of similar belief to you (and many others) on the subject of speaker cable audibility <<I never said there wasn't an audible difference between speaker cables. I'm using Goertz MI-...