
Responses from rlwainwright

Is HDCD dead?
The Denon DVD 29xx, 39xx, and 59xx models all have HDCD decoding capability. I also have a Harman-Kardon DVD50 that has this. You need to check each mfgr's. spec sheets to determine if a unit has HDCD. I would not purchase a unit that doesn't have... 
Any good Receivers with active HDMI plugs?
Get one of the newer Denon receivers and don't look back. The 3806 or 4306 are fantastic units for the money. They have everything you will ever need in a receiver and are quite reasonably priced for the performance they offer.-RW- 
What should I upgrade -- speakers or amp?
You will get a lot more "music for your money" by upgrading the speakers. 803s would be a nice upgrade and there are a couple pairs on Audiogon right now for around $3500. You might also consider the KEFs and Spendors if you like the British sound... 
Jethro Tull Remasters - Better Sound?
I do not know how "Benefit" sounds, but I thought you might be interested in the following info. Many of the earlier Tull albums (incl. Benefit) are available in DTS/Multi-channel format. You need to download them using a bit torrent client, and i... 
Transparency: What speakers have it in spades?
At the risk of being pounded by Drubin, I'd have to say the Gallo Reference 3s seem to me to be quite "transparent". The soundstage and placement of performers is quite good, the top to bottom coherency of the sound is also quite good, and they di... 
Videogon Help
Send me his contact info. (and yours) and any message you want to send and I'll contact him for you...-RW- (rlwainwright@gmail.com) 
if Sony had been around earlier - format wars
I ahve to agree with AudioTomb. Sony seems to go out of its way to introduce formats that become orphaned in the marketplace. In addition to the aforementioned Beta, etc. don't forget that Sony also brought us the Elcassette and the MiniDisc forma... 
break in question
>> it has been suggested to me that the process of breaking in a cable really entails "acclimating" the link between components to a particular cable. <<I don't think I'd lose too much sleep over this. Once the cable has had several "h... 
Receiver for headphone use only
Your best bet is to hope this deal falls thru:http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?miscrcvr&1176239042It's a Tandberg 2045 receiver from the late 70s and the sound is to die for. Their headphone circuitry is excellent. Keep your eyes peeled ... 
Need to steer away from Bryston amp added to AVR
I have to agree with Shadorne, swapping in another amp isn't going to do much towards improving the sound. You'd be much better off treating the room or getting better speakers. Treating the room is much less expensive, but getting new speakers is... 
Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?
Jeff Bowman wondered:"Did someone just say that the Dixie Hicks are "hot looking"? "Jeff, they may not be super-models, but I think most men would agree that at least 2 of the Chix are fetching indeed. Ms. Maines is not my cup o' tea, but the othe... 
Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?
I don't think I've watched the Grammys in about 10 years or so. They have nothing to do with musical talent and are all about politics. I was, however, glad to see the Chixie Dicks run the table - anyone who will stand up to this administration ha... 
Best Mid-Priced DVD/SACD/DVD-A/HDCD Player?
The Denons seem to garner their fair share of praise. I have a 2910 that was a terrific buy for the money ($500 a year ago). I understand the 3910 and the new 3930 are supposed to punch well above their weight and they both can decode HDCDs, too. ... 
Help me hunt for a SS integrated
>> Help me save some time searching. What are my best options? Thanks.<<I would think sending an email to the retailers in Madison explaining what you're looking for would be a logical next step...-RW- 
Audio Note DAC 5
Think about it. How many people do you know who can drop 30 large (or more!!) on a DAC? 1, maybe 2? I live in a fairly well-to-do area and I don't know *anybody* who would spend that kind of money for an entire system, much less a DAC.Is it worth ...