

Responses from rixthetrick

Springs under turntable
mijostyn, seems like he's got it :-)  
Springs under turntable
Congratulations uberwaltz, seems you're making promising advances mate. Keep us posted. Indranil, have you tried the rubber bands thing we discussed?If it works, then yeah I would seriously consider the uprated springs. I was also thinking, have y... 
Think fast: What would you take?
Australia has been hit by some pretty bad fires, not good at all.I hope people in rural areas know how to manage with back burning (I think Americans call it controlled burning?, reduction burning?) . Obviously in the burbs that’s not possible.Goo... 
Think fast: What would you take?
Oregon - are you safe mate?Is the danger still present, or have things gotten more manageable? 
Springs under turntable
@lewm - I won't advocate for springs under the seat, with the speakers and electronics isolated correctly, there's absolutely no need. However nice padding to make it comfortable for hours of listening pleasure, ah yeah, I fully advocate for that!... 
Springs under turntable
Millercarbon, glue an accelerometer to you garage floor and record its output while you start up your car, rev the engine and drive in and out. Please tell us what you get! what you get is a vehicle suspended on... wait for it...springs! And tires... 
Springs under turntable
millercarbon - now you can see why Townshend calls it seismic isolation!I am glad you were willing to try it, to discover it for yourself. And the springs on your wooden floors might be about the same as suspending the cables, have you shored up, ... 
Springs under turntable
indranil,another way you could try is to get the number of springs you have (hoping four?) under a heavy shelf, larger than the base of the TT you are using. Get the shelf completely horizontal, buy starting from the furthest edges of the shelf th... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
@mijostyn - I have full access to a cabinet making shop. I've been splitting planks on a band saw, running them through a thickness planer (before and after), joining the solid cherry wood (often with a biscuit joiner). Attempting to build four un... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
J'ai peut-être pensé qu'il serait préférable d'entendre cela d'un ami.  
Springs under turntable
Springs under turntable
@indranilsen I got the delivery of Solid Tech Feet Of Silence footers this AMIndranil, you said that you thought the performance to investment wasn't as good as you'd hoped. Perhaps the price is higher than we experience from China, Sweden and Sca... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
clio09 - I am very interested in hearing more about your experience with this. Thank you. 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
mahgister Yeah, but did you have a swarm or an array of sub woofers?If you did not, he was very specific in saying that he did, for many years, before applying room treatment. And it was in other areas he found the more significant performance inc... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
@audiokinesis  (Actually imo one sub may not always be better than no sub - many dipole owners have tried one sub and gone back to no sub.) This thread and another also about sub woofers are really informative to myself. The advocates of multi...