

Responses from rixthetrick

My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers
djones51 - I'll take a pair of Dutch and Dutch 8c in white/white.What an unusual port, they do look pretty, no doubt about it. 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
One slip of the screwdriver and...Yes, this is a serious consideration. Why risk stripping of the cabinet screw thread, or upsetting the manufacturers desired torque? Yes, this is a consideration.It is something that needs to be thought about and ... 
Margin on speaker sales by high end dealer
@ p05129  - going to shows, that's probably the very best way to truly get an overall view of the marketplace, and experience it for one's self. When I am able, that's surely a goal of mine, thanks.  
My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers
newbee - IMO the easiest way to get ’revealing’ components, including speakers, is to reduce output in the lower mid range which effectively reveals more information in the mid range, or in many instances increasing the output in the upper mid ran... 
Proper Room Dimensions/Designs/Acoustics
@handymann - I purchased his all in one designs for like $49.Currently I am building four QRD17 panels out of cherry wood.Essentially I have a pile of pretty American grown cherry wood ($2000 worth) in 1/2 and 1/4 thickness hiding under a blanket,... 
'Life Above 20kh' Research Paper, Harmonics (Overtones)
So if CD quality is 44.1 kHz and based upon 20 - 20,000hz.Higher sample rates are still (as far as I know?) still from 20-20,000hz,but those sample rates could be easily quadruple that with modern bandwidths and technology.Is it plausible that ... 
Resistors vs.peltz Autoformer- Differences
@atmosphere - Since the speaker is so efficient the power loss is negligible. As I read I was thinking, it would lower the load on the amp, but wouldn't it be current dividing? Wouldn't that affect the energy the driver sees?Thanks for that. 
A Surge Suppressor Story
It's excellent posts like these, where people like oldhvyec and gdnrbob chime in with the OP on important to all of us issues.It was posts like this one that brought to my attention issues I'd never really considered, and make perfect sense.When I... 
How may a simple "Power Cable" change, improve an audio system?
@jollygreenaudiophile2Did you ever manage to discover the brand and model of the power cable the "Head" appearing in the room gave the band?@williewonka so I guess it's you I have to thank for the helix shaped connections I put inside my amplifier... 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
There is a loudspeaker manufacturer who did trial brass screws, and used them for some time, until he could find someone who could manufacture him some copper ones. Now, I do not know the purity of the copper screws, nor the exact composition of t... 
USB sucks
@steakster - thanks for that, did a lot of reading. Learnt new things, brilliant - cheers 
Cable droop
@bigwave1 - thanks for having a system page, where I could go see your cable risers. However I also read what you wrote about your system, and I wasn't happy.I'm probably going to listen to some Tekton speakers when I get back down to Texas, and I... 
USB sucks
I have FEMTO clocks on both ends, and I mostly use USB, and did use a carbon coaxial cable from my Cambridge Audio 4K Bluray player.I found my fanless PC with linear power supply sounded better in my system. 
USB sucks
@lgldsr73 - There's got to be a better way for sure.If audiophilia were more of a priority for engineers, we might already have it?I've been present when USB (using a high end USB cable), toslink, and coaxial cables (even high end contenders) have... 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
@ tobor So speaker companies like B&W and Revel wanted to save money on screws or just just never heard of this little tweak that would make their 20K speakers sound better. I’m sure at the next R&D meeting someone will have to answer for...