
Responses from rives

Soundstage/Imaging and The Room
I agree with your observations on ceiling height. Ceiling height is very important, but ceiling construction is even more important. We do many designs in basements where the ceiling height is 8 feet or less. Ideally we want diffusion throughout t... 
Question on Levinson 38S
Always leave the unit in standby mode, there should not be a warm-up from that. At some point in time consider the upgrade to the 380S--it is a remarkable difference in terms of transparency and imaging. 
Best acoustic -natural instruments CD's
Try some of the M*A recordings. They are a bit eclectic to say the least. Todd Garfinkel travels all over the world and records groups that play instruments that you may not even be familiar with. One thing is consistent--his recordings are outsta... 
Von Schweikert VR-2's
I heard the VR-2's and on Friday they did sound muddy, but it wasn't the fault of the speaker. There were some interesting dynamics going on in that room (which I will refrain from discussing) and the PARC was not being used at that particular tim... 
Von Schweikert VR-2's
I agree with DMA. We are working with Von Schwiekert on other projects, but I have heard these and I am extremely impressed with performance/price ratio. I think Albert and Kevin are really making things happen from an engineering perspective at t... 
Kharma 3.2 Owners, your thoughts...
3 feet out is possibly part of the problem. You are at the 1/4 null point of the 12 foot dimension. I would move them forward to 4 feet and spread them a little further apart, probably 6 feet. Side wall reflection is very important and because you... 
Best Manufacturer's Website Features
I agree with everything there, except the dealer list part. This can be a list for competitors to go poaching, and is why many manufacturers don't do this. I know as a consumer, you just want the basic information of who your dealer is. Thus you s... 
What CD burner?
I'll be very interested in your tests. We did a test, but the way we did it had too many variables so I do not believe it to be conclusive. We basically found there to be no substantial difference between the Yamaha (we did reads at only at 4x) an... 
What CD burner?
Nero software with the Yamaha CDRW F-1. This makes really fabulous audio CDs. Do burn at 1:1 (for best sonic results) and do not use jitter reduction feature. We use this for our masters for our test CDs. 
Are Recording Engineers "Certified"?
Trelja--no offense at all. School opens doors. Degrees open more than "dimplomas", but it's what you do with yourself that matters. Sometimes you might get an opportunity without the formal training, but honestly, after you've been in the field (a... 
Are Recording Engineers "Certified"?
There are a number of schools. Some give you a "diploma"--which has absolutely no credentials except that you went to that school. Others offer an associates degreed program. None of this guarantees a good quality recording engineer. It is a very ... 
Headphone dilemna....seeking advice..
Stax are brutally honest headphones--and I do mean brutally. I have a pair with the solid state amp and really would like to get the tube amp version. I think that combination would likely be fantastic. I have had no problems with my Stax--and I b... 
Room Demensions, am I in trouble?
No, not really. I wanted the before and after so that I could see objectively how much attenuation at what frequencies you were achieving. 
Room Demensions, am I in trouble?
I'm glad your room is sounding better. I would be very interested in any measurements you've taken before and after the treatment--even the SPL with a Radio Shack meter would be a good start. It can explain a lot. I like to hear of success (and fa... 
Sub In The Fireplace
Sound travels at 1130 feet per sec. Thus (1130/60)= 1 wavelength for 60 Hz 1/4 of this. The reason I choose 1/4 wavelength is that it is impossible to have 2 peaked values.