
Responses from rives

Biggest Live Miss 23 years ago today............
2nd row tickets to the Rolling Stones in Clemson NC. I had to go to a medical conference (85,000 people--somehow someone thought it was important that I be there--who would know with so many people). I sent my girlfriend with my best friend. Oh we... 
Madrigal Mark Levinson out of business.
If I'm not mistaken the Revel line is made somewhere in California. I understand the "Levinson" line will be continued at another facility. What bothers me is it appears that there was no outplacement service or anything of that nature to the empl... 
Best Audio-Manufacturing Countries?
Oops--you're right. I know why I did that--but I'm not even going to say. Anyway, my response should be corrected appropriately. 
Best Audio-Manufacturing Countries?
This should be an interesting thread. At first, I thought this is easy. It's the US. To a large degree I still believe that to be true (particularly since I love vinyl--you'll understand that comment in a moment). The two countries that have had t... 
Rattle from Ceramic art pieces
Could you put blue tack or other similar material at the contact points to the wall. I'm assuming that is the rattle--but in any case, where ever the contact points are that are creating the rattle, if you can put something like that--they make si... 
SPeakers 90% of your sound
Just to be clear--I'm not talking about good rooms. I'm talking about great rooms. There is a huge difference. You can get lucky with dimensions, and absorption--but we are talking way beyond this. A room completely engineered to perform optimumly... 
SPeakers 90% of your sound
Twl: Where do you live (not an address--I'm not sending a henchman) just a zip code--or even a state. I'd like you to hear a really well designed room. I think it would change your mind. No words will--you have to hear it. It really is astounding ... 
SPeakers 90% of your sound
Speakers are certainly proportionatly one of the most significant changes--but I'm one that believes the room is 90 percent of the battle. How many people have moved from either a good environment to a mediocre one or vice versa. Same equipment, b... 
Which speaker should be on top?
I think there may be a PARC in your future. With that much bass energy you will certainly be exciting the room modes. 
von schweikert vr3 or magnepan 12qr
Carl: I have heard the VR-1, 2, and 4SE. I have not heard the 3. But to ask which is better is almost like asking is a Lexus sport car or a Hummer better? They are entirely different and individual tastes, preferences, and needs will dictate which... 
Which speaker should be on top?
The area of greatest concern is the false corners, what is behind them and it sounds like there is a foot between them and the ceiling. Why not take them up to the ceiling (seven foot false corners) I'm assuming that's height--but that's the area ... 
Which speaker should be on top?
Subs on top. The K-horn tweeter and midrange does not have a wide vertical dispersion, raising the height signficantly will create significant sound degredation. In addition to this the K-horn needs 3 reflective (bass supportive) walls, thus needs... 
Tough Speaker choice, Please look and comment
I read the post and was going to suggest the VF-4SE--but Sthno already did it. 
Martin Logan Repair and/or Rejuvenation?
Might be time for replacement. As Ken said--call and ask for Jim--he's very helpful. 
Von Schweikert VR-2's
PARC - Parametric Adaptive Room Compensation. It's designed to deal with bass modes. In some rooms, and particularly the hotel rooms at the Westin with solid plaster walls the room dimensions are not optimal and it can reinforce certain bass frequ...