
Responses from richopp

I went to THE show and didn't make any friends ...
Nice post.  You realize that "show sound" is not real, right? 
Magnepan for Background Listening
Maggies are great speakers for any type of listening where you want music and not distortion.  Placement is key for "serious" listening, but of little consequence when used for background music as we and many others do at xmas and other holidays w... 
My speakers are set. Magnepan Tympani IVs
@kythyn Sorry, forgot to suggest you buy electronics that ARC still services.  OR, make sure you have access to a company to service older ARC stuff.  They have been bought out, and only service some of the older stuff due to parts, time, their de... 
My speakers are set. Magnepan Tympani IVs
@kythyn Well, ARC has so many products out there today and I have been out of the retail audio business for a long time, so it is not easy for me to suggest current products.  If your dealer sells AR, borrow a few and see what you hear.  I would g... 
My speakers are set. Magnepan Tympani IVs
Good for you!  These are excellent speakers.  Personally, I use Tympani III speakers and have an "extra" pair that are still in the boxes that Magnepan sent them to me in after a refresh there.  I BELIEVE they were the last set of III's they refre... 
What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
I built a Hafler 500 in 1977, I think.  Still running strong!Cheers! 
Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.
@glupson As I wrote in the second post, of course some of these R2R manufacturers are making digital products today.  I don't see hundreds of successful buggy whip manufacturers around any more, so keeping up with technology is clearly key to stay... 
Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.
I doubt anyone with a Stellavox or Studer, first, needs parts except possibly heads, and second, would part with it for less than several thousand dollars at least.  Of course, I could have mentioned Nagra if I knew someone wanted to buy one, but ... 
Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.
Can you say (or spell) STELLAVOX?  STUDER?Better check it out before you declare R2R deceased.ALSO, SOME older recording studios (Muscle Shoals, for example) still use analog (Scully 1", Ampex, etc).SO, yes, not many use R2R today, but it has its ... 
Robb Report
What has always seemed funny to me is that people who are massively wealthy need a magazine to know what they need to buy to, I guess, "impress" whoever people in that position need to impress.Now, if you win the lotto and get $100 million overnig... 
How come Horn + woofer designs are not more popular?
Horn speakers distort sound.  Some love this--go to a typical 150 db (exaggeration except for YES!)  rock concert and there are a million horns.  Go to a ball game at the local VFW or where they play summer American Legion ball and listen to the a... 
Speaker of the Century Award Goes To ....
What are YOU hoping to hear on a recording??  Depends, right?  
Speaker of the Century Award Goes To ....
ANYONE who plays a musical instrument and likes either horn or box speakers has a hearing impairment.Go out in front of the current orchestra that you play in/attend concerts by and LISTEN to the MUSIC in the room they are playing in.  THEN, go to... 
What a sad world we now live in.......
Don't be sad about this.  Be sad that your tax dollars pay Walmart employees' salaries since the walton kids need to keep their 140+ billion dollars and make us all pay welfare support (taxes) to their employees because the Walton's are way too po... 
Most “disappeared” speakers.
EASY-PEASY:  Anything Magnepan SET-UP correctly with quality electronics.  (You only hear what you enter into them, good or bad.)RE: poster who suggested horn speakers.  PLEASE listen to ANY properly set-up horn speaker next to a set of properly s...