
Responses from richopp

ARC Ref 75's as monoblocks?
@wturkey has it right.  CHECK with ARC and then see if you can bi-amp your speakers, which would be the best solution for amps not specifically made to use as mono-blocks. I THINK ARC will agree, although you should work with them on the precise c... 
Your favourite music movie?
SO, kind of kidding in my first post, but THRILLED, THRILLED that someone listed The Commitments...AWESOME, and thank you.  For some reason (senior moment??) I totally forgot to list it.I also should have listed The Glenn Miller Story as I am a bi... 
Your favourite music movie?
For music that fits the story, I have always liked the film Mercury Rising.For fun, Josie and the Pussycats...a child's film made in the tradition of Rocky and Bullwinkle--for adults who pay attention.For bombast, Star Wars IV (first one in 1977). 
Please find the excuses for me not to buy Stax 009S headphone
@shking78 Wow!  That is some price point.  A couple of people just bought $100,000,000+ houses--one here (Palm Beach) and one in CA somewhere.My point is that there are customers for pretty much anything today, so while this is patently ridiculous... 
Musicians in your living room vs. you in the recording hall?
@millercoarbon1  Hey, man, YOU asked us to come over and then, after the gig, you did not provide much in the way of refreshments.Sorry we trashed you place, but if you ask people over, you need to be a better host, dude.Later... 
Please find the excuses for me not to buy Stax 009S headphone
Sold lots of STAX stuff in the day.  I find headphones to be pretty uncomfortable after a while and my ears don't like the way they sound after a few songs even though I love LOUD music of any genre.Even the "open air" lighter Sennheiser ones both... 
Klipsch Chorus II for $600, yes or no?
@mangist There you go!  Now that you have the speakers you love, auditioning electronics is the next fun.  If you have a great dealer, you will be able to work with him/her to try various pieces and find the exact system that pleases YOU.As a form... 
Klipsch Chorus II for $600, yes or no?
Why those over others was my total question.  Sorry about that.  Busy today.Excellent reasons--go for them if they sound like YOU want them to in YOUR ROOM.So happy someone loves their gear because it gives them the music they love that they hear ... 
Klipsch Chorus II for $600, yes or no?
Why No McIntosh Recommendations?
@stringreen has it right.  Mc is BEAUTIFUL and pretty much always has been (very old Mc stuff is ugly, but so was everything back then--Marantz, etc.)BUT, as I have posted before, it simply did not SOUND very good on revealing speakers like Maggie... 
Anyone compared Sanders Magtech vs. McIntosh MC462/52 or MC611/01 with Magnepan 3.7/20.7?
SO PLEASED that you are a Maggie fan.  As I have posted many times on this forum, until I opened my shop in the early 1970's, I thought as a person who played in various bands--marching, rock, jazz, etc.  (NOT a real musician) that I knew everythi... 
What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?
@mahgister  Thank-you for reminding everyone that your ROOM is the most important "tweak" in the path.Cheers! 
Use this song if you are doing an A/B with Preamps
@jaybe4 Ha!  I THOUGHT the objective was trying to find an accurate source for determining what accurately recorded music might sound like when listening to various components.  YOU and others may not like the songs on these albums, but the record... 
I went to THE show and didn't make any friends ...
@prof:  As the cliche goes, even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes.As a long term dealer who went to so many shows I got showitus (kidding!), I found that some manufacturers finally figured it out and skipped the shows altogether or did not h... 
Use this song if you are doing an A/B with Preamps
@elizabeth7: CORRECT!  Thank-you!!If you want vinyl, try (for the 10,000th time on here) The LINCOLN MAYORGA Direct-to-Disk recordings or similar ones made that way.Gosh, I am tired of typing that title.  Are there really tons of current audiophil...