
Responses from richopp

Inflated prices in audio
I THINK the 3009II--might be wrong on that model number as it was 45 years ago--was $135.00--when I sold them.They were considered "middle of the road" for sound quality back then--1974.  Better arms--not sure of the names these days--were put on ... 
Mmmm Crow tastes good...
Thank everyone for reinforcing my main point when posting comments on this Forum.YOUR ROOM is the most important part of any listening system, period.Once you internalize that fact, you are ready to bring stuff home and see how it sounds there rat... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Joan Baez today--Diamonds and Rust.  SO GOOD on my Maggies...she is in the room with me.Cheers! 
Magnepan needs your help
They keep doing it...making the speakers that reproduce what you feed them.  I still remember my first listen in 1974...and I have had zero speakers other than Maggies since then.  As a former dealer, I was fortunate enough to hear pretty much eve... 
Publications and websites for equipment reviews
For those of you who suggest listening yourself as a best practice, of course.  You err when you say you get your information to make a decision to buy listening in a shop or at a show.The ONLY WAY to be sure is to listen IN YOUR ROOM, period.  No... 
Is There any Consensus at all amongst Audiophiles?
The only thing I can think of is that YOUR ROOM is the most important element of any sound system.Other than that, everyone likes what they like, so that is GOOD!Cheers! 
Types of speakers to create nightclub style sound?
Nice idea.  I SUGGEST:  call one of LA's big audio designers who do clubs in town.  You can certainly find a club in LA.  They will probably advise you to get commercial-level units from a major manufacturer (I am personally NOT a fan of bose, but... 
Most annoying song, period.
@mitchagain  No worries!  Fun is fun, and like many I enjoy the game a bit, I guess.It is interesting to read what some posters hate--Beatles and Beach Boys and Springsteen and so forth.As I like to think, that is what makes things go around.  If ... 
Most annoying song, period.
@mitchagain You are so right!  Sorry that I went that far, but bad is bad, so maybe just turn it off and smash the recording to bits and recycle the cover AND the bits to make sure this never surfaces again.Mea culpa!Cheers,RichardPS  Upon further... 
Most annoying song, period.
Sure, some of these are pretty bad, but until you crank up Ravels's Daphnis Et Chloe with Charles Munch and the Boston Symphony, you ain't heard the worst of the worst.Just don't do it...your system may explode.Cheers! 
Dealer Discount
@glupsonI hear you.  I was in a shop yesterday that used to be next to my shop in the '70's.  They sell lighting--lamps and shades and stuff like that.  Some is very expensive, some regular.  The owner is still the same person--out of town right n... 
Dealer Discount
@glupson Thank you for your reply. If you walked in, and many did in those days as I was the only Audio Research/Magnepan/Nakamichi/Sequerra/Linn/B&O dealer around back then (Mc was handled by Jimmy Ryder of Ryder Truck fame if you remember th... 
Dealer Discount
@glupson2The harsh stuff you did not care for did not come until AFTER the business was up and running.MY education, which my dad said I needed since he had been in retail all his life, was provided by customers I still don’t believe sometimes.I w... 
Broken hearted...magnepan and vandersteen
Once again, I will point out that HiFi Buys and all other dealers are wonderful, but until you hear these or ANY items in YOUR ROOM, you are simply winnowing down your prospects rather than making an informed decision.Please remember, YOUR ROOM is... 
Dealer Discount
@benjie Obviously your are being silly.I think I covered all this in my post.  Dealers DO NOT have 50% in MOST items, and probably not in any unless they "fell off the truck."I am amazed at the lack of business intelligence so far in this thread. ...