
Responses from ricevs

Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Viber, You are a rehasher......you restate what others say but add your own "color commentary". You quote me above and then you rehash it again....but again you cannot get it right. I did not say "a larger inverter would sound better" What I said... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Viber, I never said the larger Giandel is better in any way than a smaller one. Show me where I said that? Do you just make stuff up? The larger one can do more current (which most people do not need) and will turn on its fan at higher power. No ... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Yup....just buy a good three prong plug and put a large guage wire (12 gauge is fine) into the third pin only.....plug it into your strip or the wall and.....attach the other end of the wire to the inverter.  Any hardware store will have the plug ... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
You can ground an inverter to any true ground point......like the third pin in your wall....There are some really old buildings that have no true ground....this is certainly not to code and probably illegal.  I lived in a building like that in Ber... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Viber and anyone/everyone else, Why don’t you become the Inverter tester for the world. Buy the Bluetti, buy a 2000 watt Giandel, buy the 5000 watt Giandel and a couple of the 200 amp hour batteries.and a charger and OFC battery cables.....and do... 
Is this an alternative to Stromtank and PS Audio ?
It's very simple.....it is the watt hours of battery/batteries you have available divided by the load.  If you system draws a constant 500 watts......then 5000 watt hours of battery (two 200 amp hour batteries....ie 400 amps x 12.6 volts) will let... 
Is this an alternative to Stromtank and PS Audio ?
Yes, and mostly no. All in ones are good sonically (every brand sounds different.....some are OK, some are good and some are great....just like everything) and some are probably equal to the Stromtanks or even better (however, most of them have n... 
New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement
Inverter systems sound as different as anything.....here is one that will blow your mind.......incredible sound....everything you do makes a difference...even how an inverter is mounted. http://tweakaudio.com/EVS-2/Inverter_Power.html  
Niagara 5000 Vs Torus RM20 or PS Audio Power Plant 12
Get off the grid and add Puritan line filter after inverter......best sound day and night http://tweakaudio.com/EVS-2/Inverter_Power.html  
New Dedicated Line - Almost No improvement
A completely different way......and a much better way.....sonically....is to get off the frickin grid........Check this out: http://tweakaudio.com/EVS-2/Inverter_Power.html I will have more info in a day or so.....but this is mindblowing........... 
EVS Music Purifier
Yes, your head will explode.....it's fun......try it. Here is what a person with Magnepan .7s ($1395 a pair......not $50K) said: " bass is much cleaner and tighter, imaging seems a lot better, the music just seems far more relaxed and enjoyable.... 
EVS Music Purifier
Here is what is true......what mitch2 says is 50% correct......in that there are some kinds of Zobel Networks that are used in some speakers after the crossover to flatten the impedance curve of the driver so the xover will see a more linear load.... 
GaN amps: Peachtree or LSA Voyager?
Makes sense....what you heard. Van Alstine is not a tweaker....he does not believe that parts or connectors or fuses, damping, etc....make any difference. He uses ordinary wire, connectors, capacitors, resistors, unbypassed power supply caps, tran... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
If you really want to get a big boost then you need to solder the internal wire directly to the voice coil wire......and bypass the banana connection altogether......costs you nothing. Mundorf has some new wire called Angelique.....that I will be ...