
Responses from ricevs

Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
This is revolutionary.  His DAC is the Holo May KTE.....the preamp is the Holo Serene and the amps are mono block Kinki B7s....this is serious stuff.......every thing is in the top league in its price.......Please read the reviews on his OLD stuff... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
jerryg123, There is just one verson of AGD (assuming you heard the latest 2nd version) and only one version of the Atmas.......but there are tons of versions of the Purifi based amps and they all sound different from each other. So, which version... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
We have Kuribo claiming that only measurements are meaningful and since Hypex and Purifi have the best measurements then they are the best. Then you have Ralph saying it is ONLY certain measurements that are meaningful for sound and his amp has th... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Sorry, don't quite understand your last paragraph....Did you A/B the Marantz with the peachtree using the same source and same speakers?......or are you comparing two different systems?  If you compared them directly, then can you describe the sou... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
I post info to inform and serve......why so aggressive in response? If you don’t like my info, just ignore it. When you take your ego sword out and start swinging, you are not in a high vibration.....Do you love yourself, do you love me? We are th... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Here is another class D amp that will be really good when it hits the street (in two to three months): The New DIY amp from Hypex called the Nilai 500 DIY.  This is Hypex's latest module and will be available for DIY only.  The measurements are a... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
All GaN amps will sound completly different from every other GaN amp and also all Class D amps using mosfets......the GaN transistor may be one thing that improves sound but it is just one of an infinite number things that change the sound. Here ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
mbolek, Please give us some feedback.....How does it compare with other class d driven by the DAC/preamp in the Hifi Rose 150B?    
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Real KNOWLEDGE in audio.......is how something sounds......there is no common Knowledge of sound.....because there are so many variables......believe it or not.  There is lots of technical knowledge.....but that does not necessarily correlate to s... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Most class D amps use switching supplies.....some don’t. There are advantages to both. Switching supplies are smaller, cheaper, more effecient and operate at high frequency so there is no 60hz ripple.. But because they switch at higher frequencies... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Ego fighting is not making your stereo better or making anyone else's stereo better or making people feel better......or be more happy. What makes you happy? When you are happy you radiate happiness.....and you also want others to be happy. Do you... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Here is what is true with high end audio.....practically no one knows very much.....because it is infinite. Not so with hot rodding. All quarter mile top fuelers look the same and perform the same....because the game is so very simple.....it is ho... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
I understand that measurements can affect sound.....However, it is just one tool and a very flawed one. You cannot measure resistors, inductors, wire, solder, op amps, connecotrs, damping, shielding, directionality of fuses, fuses, circuit board m... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
My goal is to inform people so they can improve their stereo or their lives....that is what I do. The mods I suggested are completely universal. If you did this to a $400 Topping or a $120,000 Gryphon amp the results would be the same....except yo... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
People believe and say and do all kinds of things......does not make it true.....same for me. What I state about op amps is my experience.....if Ralph has a different EXPERIENCE then that is fine. The only way to know what is true in this case is ...