
Responses from ricevs

Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
Yes, if your drivers and cabinet are not low distortion.....then you would want veiled slow parts in the xover and wiring to hide the distortion. If you have little cablnet sound and super low distortion drivers then you want the most expensive su... 
Affordable GaN FET amp from Peachtree Audio
Some history: Tact (Tocatta Technologies) was the first to do this back in the late 90s.....nothing new here. Tocatta Tech was sold to TI and they made chips that Panasonic used in some receivers back in the early 2000s.....Mr. Lyndorf was part o... 
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
External looks (how pretty something is) has practically nothing to do with sound. I make no judgements on how they sound......but I know those drivers and implemented them in a more transparent way.....so have others. The crossover parts alone...... 
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
It is not just parts quality, but how you do things. For instance, it sounds better to wire a coil into the inside and out the outside winding. So, the outside winding would go to ground or output.....practically no one knows this. I don’t know a ... 
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
Everything makes a difference. Yes, a speaker that is less well done can sound better than a particular speaker....more well done. However, the speaker less well done can sound way, way, way, way better if it is well done. This is truth. Is the PS... 
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
PS Audio does not make any of the parts in their speaker. All the parts are made in China/or far east for them. The midrange and tweeter are probably the B&G Neo 10 and Neo 3......they certainly look EXACTLY like them. Danny Richie at GR Resea... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Yes, the Peachtree GaN 400 amp and the LSA GaN Voyager amp are essentially the same.....same manufacturers modules and power supplies (unless a pic of the inside of the Peachtree shows different). These amps are NOT zero feedback. Right on the Pea... 
Mytek Empire with GANFET MODULE
Yes, the Mytek amps are still not out.......suppose to be out last summer.  Maybe some? time this year?  Who knows.  Meanwhile lots of other great class D amps now out....New Purifi module, New Class D modules, Orchard Audio, AGD amps, Atmasphere ... 
Digital amplifier fans, NAD C298 Purifi Eigentakt
FYI.....you might want to look at 10 audio.com.....he reviewed the C298 and did not think it was that great......then he reviewed another amp from VTV with additonal mods (from me) that uses the same Purifi module........he likes it much better.  ... 
peachtree gan 400 is very good
The Peachtree GaN and the LSA Voyager are essentially the same amp.....they use the very same amp modules and, I believe, the very same power supply.....just different chassis, jacks and wire.  They should sound very close.  The LSA amp is usually... 
Lii Audio S-10 Users
Get creative!!!!! Just buy the drivers ($1200 plus shipping) and then make an open baffle speaker for them. One foot wide.....four feet high.....with one and a half foot wings going back on each side angled slightly out. Mount the driver 2/3rds th... 
Has anyone tried the Deulund-Mundorf Ultra Speaker Purifiers?
Yes, typically called a Zobel network.  These kind of networks have been sold for years......Merlin had a version using Dueland caps and Caddock resistors....I believe.  
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
stephendunn, Sure,,,,no probem.....but then you do not get to tune your system with different flavors of speaker wire. And, as debjit said....experimenting with wire is made very hard.  If you have mono blocks then absolutely you can mount them r... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
The Nenuphar might have slightly deeper bass than putting the driver on an open baffle. My friends 10 inch lii driver on the open baffle I described is flat in large livingroom to 40hz and 5 db down at 30. The Nenuphar cannot move that much air at... 
Cube Audio Nenuphar Single Driver Speaker (10 inch) TQWT Enclosure
The reason Cube (and most companies) do not make open baffle speakers is that it is not an easy sell. The baffle needs to be large, you need space behind the speaker or you do what Nelson does and add woofer below. They are selling a look....a lif...