
Responses from ricevs

Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
The tweaks I suggest are universal.....every amp in every price category would improve it's sound to the same degree (assuming they are made like the Atmas). this includes the op amps......it does not matter how much feedback or how much gain is b... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
So, what you are saying is: Your purpose here is to make sure everyone knows that what I say cannot be trusted"? Wow, that is a very high purpose. Your soul must be celebrating. So, what wares am I peddling with my post? You can test FOR YOURSELF... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Ralph, It is the truth that anything conductive on top of the transformer or in the middle will mess up the sound.....so, you don’t want non magnetic stainless steel, brass or anything like that. You want plastic or wood.....wood being preferable... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Great to see the insides...... So, one thing that would make it sound more open sounding is to remove the steel plate over the transformer and removed the steel bolt. Then you raise the transformer off the chassis and place it on a one half inch ... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
pstores, Have you heard (in your system) the new Peachtree GaN 400 or are you referring to an older Peachtree amp?  
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
So, who is going to be the first to pop the hood and show us the engine.....with close ups?  Show us the meat!  he he.    
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
What feeds your minidsp flex? What DAC, cable to preamp and preamp were you using with the M6S prx? And what was your source before? usb from something? BTW, if you remove the toslink output connectors from the Minidsp flex or at least remove the... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Cool little toy.  The Puritan is so low in noise that it won't even measure on that thing......but a single measurement does not mean that much by itself.  I am going to change the outlets and inlet and wire on my friends Puritan on Wed. because p... 
Amp Internal Wire
Theories are nice.....but the only way to know what something does audibly....is to listen.  All wires sound different.....all strandings sound different, all insulation sounds different, all wires (single strand or multistarnd) are directional (... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
First paragraph.......Do you really think I am that stupid that I did not already know all that? Do you really think that would be easy to do and something I would want to do? Most of what you "mention" is already known....you like to reiterate th... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
You want to know how a 2200 watter sounds versus the 5000 watter?.....you buy them both and compare.....You have the credit to do that ($1300)?  or are you as money poor as me? (remembering that you can get your money back on either or both).  
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Viber, I have never heard a Giandel Inverter.....I KNOW nothing about how is sounds......but I trust my friend and know his system (which is incredible). Here is what I will tell you......the Giandel will give you everything you ever wanted and m... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
Again with the clarity/resolution verus warmer/rolled off addiction game. It is not one game....It is not one way..... You will only know what better is by trying one and listening......then you will know.. I can tell you a bunch of words (you li... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
I use the Yeti 400 for the whole system...the front end components are hardwired into the inverter and I plug the power amp into it with a connector.......that is why I could not do the full system on both.  Who would A/B a $400 all in one with a ... 
Using battery power to go off the City's power grid
The Bluetti I have here is the AC200P not the AC 300 which is an inverter with out battery......this one has the battery.