
Responses from rgs92

Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
Jafox, very insightful comments; I did hear many of the same things you mention. (By the way, I also used Carly Simon to test out the cables--her voice is an excellent measure of performance with vocals, male or female, as it is has a deep resonan... 
Best speakers 2,500 can buy.
Used Aerial 10ts are about $3k, and are still one of the smoothest, non-fatiguing speakers you can find, despite being a 10+-year-old design. They are not the last word in soundstaging, however, with an up-front presentation. But the tonality is g... 
Does anyone like vintage speakers?
Yeah, I have to add to Muralman1's comments that the App Stages were in class by themselves. They had there faults (a bit boomy bass, not too much depth), but these seemed to be part of their character that just made them brilliant overall. It's h... 
Sonus Faber Cremonas or JM lab Diva
Washline, thanks in advance if you could say if the Alto's bass is controlled & if vocals are smooth (even ones that are not-so-perfectly recorded). 
Absolute Best CD Players Out There Under $12k ?
My EMM CDSD/DCC2 with the Stax Omega 007t headphone system is glorious, with all images well defined and little or no harshess or hashiness on any kind of music, even lesser-quality recordings (popular music). The Staxes can sound buzzy or weak or... 
Kharma 3.2 CRM FE and which power amp?
Just to throw a solid-state wrench into this discussion, my later-model Edge NL12 (with the bigger, current model NL-12.1's transformers) produces stunning clarity with my 3.2CRM-FEs (no sub) in classical music with no brightness and authoritative... 
Kharma CRM 3.2 - how many versions?
I have never heard anything about the Diamond-tweeter version of the 3.2s (online or in the press). Has anyone ever heard it, or know someone who has? 'sounds intriguing. 
Best speakers for Classical music under 10k used
For classical & jazz & just about all instrumental music, especially piano, Kharma 3.2s are superb (far better than Vandy 5As, even considering the 5As prodigious bass). 
Transparent , Kubala , Luminous , or RS Poiema
I also have had extremely good results with the Kubala Emotion ICs, especially with my Sennheiser 650/Headroom Max headphone rig. It made the Cardas GR & GC sound slow and gritty by comparison. The Kubalas have an astoundingly controlled bass ... 
Watt/Puppy 7 or Sophia?
I would never buy Watt Puppies w/o a careful audition. They are an acquired taste & not everyone's cup of tea. I had the WP 6's for a year or two and could never get the highs to stop sounding buzzy, and vocals were terribly screwed up, like a... 
Nova Utopia Be $38K - Are they good?
Thanks for the info sirspeedy; I have seen very little anywhere on the Altos (or the Divas) & I was worried that the lack of discourse on these were a negative sign. I did hear the Novas at the NY show & thought the bass pounded too much, ... 
Nova Utopia Be $38K - Are they good?
Any comment on the Alto or Diva Utopias? Thanks in advance. 
Please compare the following headphones
I strongly recommend the Senn 650s; I had the 600s & findthe 650s much more alive with much better definition ofindividual instruments. The 650s have a street price of$300-$350. 
Can HI FI components really make music?
Before you chuck it all, spend a few thousand on some Apogee stage speakers & then make a decison. 
Apogee Duetta Signature or Mini Grand?
I would not be too concerned about the room dimensions (for the Stage w/o the subs, at least). Mine were less than 2-feet from the wall behind them, and although the soundstage (depth) may have suffered a little, I really never cared or thought th...