
Responses from rgs92

Why should some speakers need a big room?
Thanks everyone for all the comprehensive & fascinating answers (especially lrsky)!There sure are some smart people out there.By the way, I did own Appogee Stages a decade or so ago, and thought there were fine nearfield, but I was fearful of ... 
jm lab grand utopia be--- any thoughts ?
For what it's worth, I heard the demos of these at the NY 2004 show (set up as a theater with an audience) and thought the the nova-be's were a little bass heavy and forced, but, curiously, the giant grands were more balanced and relaxed and refin... 
VooDoo Cables ?
I also have the Voodoo 20amp IEC adaptor for my Hydra 8 and find it works great. I was planning to have my Shunyata Anaconda Alpha 15-amp power cord reterminated, but was so happy with the sound using the adaptor that I decided to leave well enoug... 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
Thanks, Macrojack.I do fondly remember when S'phile in the 90's had reviews that were right on the money. Like when Wes Phillips noted that a pair of Watt Puppy 5's would have you wandering from dealer to dealer to find matching equipment to make ... 
Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews
It's interesting that neither Stereophile nor TAS has reviewed some of the most discussed pieces here; for instance: the EMM DCC2/CDSD, Reimyo CDP777, HP Caravelles, or anything from Green Mountain audio or Tyler Acoustics. Why don't they read the... 
Best preamp is no preamp: always true?
It's interesting that Ed Meitner provides a full-function active preamp in his EMM DCC2 dac instead of a simple gain control. 
Sennheiser HD650 - Cardas or Equinox cable?
I compared the Cardas with Zu Mobius on my 650s. The Zu is great! No glare, natural & relaxed but lots of detail & image specificity. I stopped looking after I got the Zu. (The Zu is a bit stiff, so I would get a meter longer than I needed... 
What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?
Before you spend a lot on an expensive amp, swap the HD600s for 650s. It is a night & day difference, a much more open sound with far better separation of musical components. The 650s are about $350 (street price from a Google search), an incr... 
Recommended cables for Accuphase?
A Kimber PK10 Palladium power cord works very well with my DP75V, along with Kubala-Sosna Emotion ICs. This is the best combo I found after some experimentaion (Cardas, etc.). The bass is tight & the highs are smooth & non-abrasive. 
Kharma CRM3.2 FE vs Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario
My 2 cents: I have the Kharma 3.2s & IMHO they play classical, jazz (& all instrumental music) with a unique goodness that I have not heard anywhere else. What Jonathan here calls micro-dynamics is something not to be dismissed lightly. To... 
Bob Crump passes away over holiday.
This is very sad news; I spoke to him several times and was always impressed by how decent and generous he was. He told me that he was moving from the Houston area to Eugene, Oregon last year. My best to his family. 
Shunyata Hydra Users....Your Opinion please...
I also use the Voodoo adapter that Ozzy mentioned above on my Hydra 8 with excellent results. I was planning to have my 15-amp Shunyata Anaconda Alpha cable reterminated, but I was so impressed with the Voodoo adapter that I decided not to mess wi... 
Can Wilson Audio Sophia live in a 150 sqf room
To expand a bit on my remarks above, as a former WP6 owner, I always felt that the the Watt Puppies were on the verge of greatness, with, to my ears, perfect bass, bass that is "just there", never coming from the drivers or even the Puppy cabinet ... 
Can Wilson Audio Sophia live in a 150 sqf room
I don't know about the Sophias, but I had Watt-Puppy 6s in a very nearfield setup, and they worked well, with a very contained & controlled bass and midrange. They reminded me of a big pair of headphones. I did not like the sometimes abrasive ... 
Speakers for 80s rock?
Aerials will tame the painful edginess of big-hair rock. I had 10Ts for a few years. I would avoid ruthlessly-revealing tweeters & midranges for this music.