
Responses from rec

okay, here we go again...
I have Acoustat electrostats in my second system , a notoriously tough load for amplifiers. I have been using a Musicial Fidelity A300 Intergrated for over a year with no problems at all. It seems to control the Acoustats with no loss of dynamics ... 
300B amp options
I would also look at Audio Electronic Supply, a division of Cary Audio. They have a kit for under 1000.00(without tubes), SE1-Signature that can play 300B as well as 2A3 output tubes. I had one in my system for years with no problems at all. I fin... 
Which turntable to buy?
I can only comment on the VPI Aries table. I've had one in my system for 3 years with the JMW arm and very pleased with it. I found it easy to set up and maintain. Prior to the Aries I had Linn LP12s in my system for years. The Aries is a very mus... 
Will a Vandersteen 5,play in a 11x18, room help
I have a 12 x 14 listening room with the Vandersteen Model Fives. I had some problems with bass boom at first. After finding the correct placement and adjusting the subwoofers(I used a Rives test cd and a Radio Shack sound pressure meter) it corre... 
Your Favorite Holiday Recordings Are?
Happy X-MAS (War is Over)- John Lennon-still can't believe it, 22 years Dec 8 that John has been gone. 
Vandersteen 5 vs Model 2c/2wq Combo
I have a small listening room and had the same concerns about the Model Fives. My dealer let me take them home for a week trial. After finding the correct placement and adjusting the subwoofers to my room they sound exceptional. I have no experien... 
Which tubes? My amp can except El34, 6L6, KT88, an
It is my understanding that Vandersteen is offering a upgrade to the Model Fives, there is a change in the subwoofer amplifier, crossover and the midrange driver. The upgrade is around 3800.00 depending on how recent your Fives are. This came from... 
Which tubes? My amp can except El34, 6L6, KT88, an
Maxgain, I have the Vandys low end set a 1 with the V12i. This maybe more of a room issue than an amplifier issue. I also used a Rives setup cd and a Radio Shack sound pressure meter to adjust the multiple subs settings. I like the EL34 tubes and ... 
Which tubes? My amp can except El34, 6L6, KT88, an
I have a pair of Vandersteen Model Five speakers with a CAD280 V12i tube amplifier with EL34 output tubes. I have it set to the triode mode for 50 watts per channel and with the Model Five built in subs there is enought power. I find the EL34 more... 
what the best phono preamp used with CAT SL1
I assume you have the CAT Linestage only, I would look adding the CAT phono section. It is one of the very best available at any price. Other top choices for tubes would be Audio Research, BAT and Herron . Solid state, Klyne Audio Arts, Jeff Rowla... 
Need advice/info on various used ARC phono preamps
I had the VTL2.5 in my system with phono and found the phono stage quiet. I agree with the post about changing tubes. The phono section is quite sensitive to tubes and some NOS tubes may be better than the stock tubes that came with the VTL. Also ... 
artists who most deeply touch you
Blues-John Lee HookerRock- Jim MorrsionCountry-Johnny CashJazz-Paul DesmondFemale-Joni Mitchell and Nina SimoneOf course there are many more but these came to my mind first. 
what is the difference between Cary 805b vs 805c
The 805 series has been in production for a number of years. While there are some internal changes in the 805C over the 805B, the biggest difference is the output tube. The B uses a 211 and the C a 845. They both use the same input and driver tube... 
Upgrading VTL 2.5 pre-amp to: CAT, BAT, or ARC?
I upgraded from the VTL 2.5 to the Cat Sig. Mk111, it was a significant upgrade. I kept the CAT for a number of years until I purchased a low output moving coil cartridge. The phono section in the CAT just didn't have enough gain. I went to the Au... 
Cary v12 power cord
Recently purchased a Cary V12i, an exceptional amplifier. I had 2 power cords on hand, ESP Essence and Coincident. In my system I picked the Coincident over the Essence, felt it was little more open and dynamic. Not day and night difference but be...