
Responses from rec

Tube glows cherry red...then it doesn't ?
I also recommend replacing the tube before it goes out and takes something else with it. A few years ago I had an output tube arc and not only blew a resistor but also some equipment upstream. 
RU recording LPs on Reel to Reel ?
I have a large collection of music and currently use a Tandberg reel to reel, Fostex Pro DAT and Fostex Pro CD Recorder for recording. It has been my experience that the best analog reproduction comes from the reel to reel. DAT and CDR are going t... 
Removing mold from LPs?
You can also purchase it from A great website for vinyl and import cds. 
I just puked
I love the Victoria's Secret commerical with Dylan, it is a classic case of Beauty and the Beast. 
older LPs - different EQ?
I know of one phono preamp that has adjustable RIAA curves, it is the FM Acoustics Resolution Series 122. I had a chance to listen to it about 2 years ago and it was one of the best I have heard tube or ss. I am not sure if they currently have a U... 
A Shocking Experience
I work in a medical clinic that has a number of electrical products and carpeted floors. We had a similiar problem with static electricity that actually shorted out a very expensive piece of equipment. We have purchased a carpet spray that reduces... 
Recommended Tube Amp for Sonic Frontiers Line 3
I think a logical tube amp to look at is one of the Sonic Frontiers models. I have the SFM 160 Monoblocks and find them to be one of the best tube amps I have heard in my system. 
Copies Better Than Originals?
I don't remember the exact description but this was discussed in Sterophile a number of years ago. The author stated that copies had lower jitter and this could account for the improved sound over the original. 
I just puked
I agree with Onhyw61(love that Dylan reference)that the talented should receive the fruits of their labors but in our culture there is a disproportionate reward for talent.To parapharse Bono, "Three chords and the truth" It's more like three chord... 
I just puked
The one that kills me is Led Zeppelin hawking Cadillac. 
Is vinyl dead ?
No one was given the choice between vinyl and cd. On the retail side once cds came out the distributors(read labels) would no longer take returns on vinyl. In other words if you bought X copies of vinyl they were yours. On the other side if you bo... 
Is vinyl dead ?
As a owner of a record/cd store(thank God not my day job) I can say vinyl is not dead but is on life support. As far as sales goes, vinyl is probably less than 5 percent industry wide. It has become a niche market. Yes there are more lps available... 
No longer sitting on the fence
I thought I would update, I found an Audio Aero and had an extended listening sessions with the Capitole. I found it a wonderful warm sounding cd player but it just wasn't 4K better than my Cary 306/200. The dealer also carried the dCS line and ha... 
Biggest Live Miss 23 years ago today............
I had 2nd row tickets to see Elvis when my young daughter became ill and I didn't want to leave her with a babysitter. I thought, I would just see him the next time around. There was no next time around and he was dead six months later. I don't re... 
I need a female jazz vocalist. No Krall, No Norah
Janis Siegel- Friday Night SpecialLynn Bush- Still LifeBoth excellent jazz vocal cds that are recorded well and sound great.