
Responses from rec

Red dawn vs SPM
I have both Red Dawn and SPM in my system, they are more alike than different. The SPM are a more detailed cable but the Red Dawn is quite good. I have the Red Dawn Rev 11 speaker cable and when I spoke with Nordost than said the Rev 11 is probabl... 
Need a good "under carpet" speaker cable
I would look at the Nordost line of cables, they make excellent cables at all price points. Good luck. 
Speakers for 50W Triode tube amp
I had the Cary 805 monoblocks(50 watts) and they drove VonSchweihert VR4s and VR5s without dificulity. Good luck. 
Difference between JRDG Synergy II and Synergy IIi
The difference between the Synergy 11 and 11i is an amplification board that according to Jeff Rowland lowers noise and distortion . One of the ways you can tell if you have the 11i is the display is green. I have only heard the battery pack on th... 
what are the best couple of cassandra wilson cd's
I have her complete catalog and they are all very good. Her earlier albums are more straight forward jazz vocals while the last 3 have been more middle of the road jazz. Her current album Belly of the Sun is somewhat of a departure with roots blue... 
Marsh or McCormack
I have own the McCormack DNA 225 amp, it is an excellent ss design from a well established company(currently owned by Conrad and Johnson). Build quality is excellent with quality parts. I haven't heard the Marsh amps but they have received excelle... 
Counterfit Telefunken Tube?
It is my understanding that later day Telefunkens don't have the diamond on the base. A few years ago I bought 4 from a very reputable dealer and they didn't have the diamonds and thats what I was told. 
Is e-mail system working?
I have used Audiogon to e-mail 2 sellers in the last few days and so far neither one has responded. Either a problem with e-mail or the sellers just didn't respond in a timely manner. 
Any phono sections with adjustments on fly/front?
The Cadance Phono from Jeff Rowland Design Group also has front panel adjustments for gain and cartridge loading. It is one of the best phonos I have heard in my system. 
LISTENER Magazine...What Do You Think?
I have read Listener since the first issue, it is becoming the MAD magazine of audio. Too much wasted ink on trying to be cute and witty. I respect Art Dudley's opinions but his reply to letter writers are sometime quite vicious. In his defense it... 
Is Audio Research Mach II Ref II a good pre-amp?
I have the Audio Research LS25 in my system with a Jeff Rowland SS amp. The Reference 11 Mark 11 has the same tube(6H30) and similar circuit boards as the REF 11 MK 11. The Ref uses 6 6H30 , 1 6L6 and 1 5AR4 tube while the LS25 uses only 2 6H30 tu... 
Recommended DVD-A Discs?
So far the best DVD-A I have heard is L.A. Woman by The Doors. 
2 channel Poll: Vote: Do you use Tubes or SS?
I use both in my system, tube Audio Research preamp, ss Jeff Rowland amplifier and Herron Audio tube phono stage . I have had tubes since the mid 1960's and love the sound but currently ss amplifier works better for my lifestyle. I found that the ... 
Preamp dilemma...
I have to disagree about the LS25 Mark 11. I recently auditioned the Reference 11 and the LS25 in my system. I found the LS25 very close in sound to the Ref.11 at a considerable less cost. The LS25 is not a all tube design and has a less tube soun... 
Digital Output on Cary 306/200 Problem
Sorry, I left out that the Cary was set on the red book standard not upsampling.