
Responses from rec

Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?
I suppose the dealer use to be the backbone of high end audio. In this day of computers and internet sales it has become less so. It has been my 40 years of experience that a good dealer is the best resource for audio. That said, I just haven't fo... 
No longer sitting on the fence
Thank you everyone for your input. I am going to look at all the recommndations. Good listening to all...Robert 
New Nordost Cable Valkyrja
A l meter cable runs 2000.00 RCA, add 50.00 for XLR and a 2 meter speaker cable runs 4000.00. Fraction of the Valhalla indeed, Gthirteen was close. 
Hovland Preamp or Others?
I would also look at the Conrad Johnson 16 LS MK11 preamplifier. It has the house Conrad Johnson warm tube sound(not colored) and a remote. I use it with a SS Jeff Rowland amplifier with great results. I went from an Audio Research preamp to a Con... 
New Remastered Miles Davis Blackhawk
I just finished disc 4 this pm, it is a wonderful 4 disc boxset that showcases Miles in his prime. I have the original lps and this is one case IMHO where the cds are clearly better sounding. The sets are also complete with much more music than th... 
EAR 834 vs. ARC PH-3?
I have owned both pieces and found the PH-3 the better of the two. The built quality of the Audio Research was much better than the EAR, I had to replace the RCAs twice on the EAR. The sound of the PH-3 was more extended both in the midrange and t... 
What's under YOUR turntable?
A custom made platform from Silent Running Audio. 
strobe light question
The best strobe and timer record I have sceen is the KAB Speedstrobe. It retails for around 100.00 from Music Direct. I have used mine for a couple of years with a VPI SDS and my turntable speed is dead on 33 1/3/and 45. 
Best electronics for Vandersteen 5/5A
I have used both tube and solid state preamps and amps with my Model Fives and ended up with a Conrad Johnson 16LS Series 11 preamp and a Jeff Rowland Model 10 amplifier. I look forward to hearing the 5A, my dealer has one coming in about 2 weeks. 
AR PH3-SE with Benz Micro Ruby 2
I also had the same combo and found in my system that the Audio Research just didn't have enough gain matched with my preamp. I kept the Ruby 2 and changed phono stages. I played with loading and either used 47K or 1000 with the best results. 
Audio Research CD-3 VS Cary 306/200
I auditioned both cdp before buying the Cary 306/200. While the Audio Research is an excellent player it lacked HDCD and the ability to upsample. I have a large cd collection, many purchased in the early days of cd and the upsampling does improve ... 
Forwarding virus / hoax / how to verify
I have received two e-mails in the last two days about a virus using my Audiogon e-mail address and this am my Norton program lit up like a Christmas tree with a virus warning so someone may be sending a virus to Audiogon members. 
Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?
I would like to comment on two of the above posts. I purchased my Rowland amplifier to keep and enjoy. If it's just a stop on the way, it would be to upgrade to another Rowland amplifier. Again, to my ears it's the best solid state amplifier I hav... 
Why is there so much Rowland gear for sale?
With respect to Taters there may be better sounding equipment out there but at its price point I haven't found any. I have a Jeff Rowland Model 10 amplifier and it is one of the best pieces I have ever heard. Jeff Rowland is a very popular brand w... 
Aries owner, what isolation device do you use?
I recently posted a similar question about an isolation platform for my Aries. I was looking at the Bright Star sandboxes and air mass or the Silent Running Audio platform.Everyone recommended the Silent Running Audio, I called them and talked wit...