
Responses from ptss

Esoteric A100 Service Nightmare
Sorry re your plight. My past business experience suggests that using “Registered Mail” with copies to relevant parties- ie who sold you the unit, the USA distributor, the Service Manager, the Public Relations Dept of Esoteric. Your comment “I was... 
Sound quality improvement via simple “isolation”
@audioengr .  Also, there is no BNC coax connection option on the Oppo 205. Perhaps you’re thinking of other things. It happens.  
Sound quality improvement via simple “isolation”
Prev post shd read “I don’t think...”.  ie toslink is not suitable for the video side of this units use.  
Sound quality improvement via simple “isolation”
@audioengr. Also, I think this Toshiba link technology circa mid 1980’s can pass 4 K  tv plus gaming signals. Am I wrong? 
Sound quality improvement via simple “isolation”
@audioengr. I dont see a connection option for toslink.  
Sound quality improvement via simple “isolation”
The Actiontec ECB6200 is a Bonded MoCA unit- fast/high quality. 
Horn listeners - Do you have trouble listening to others?
I think horns are it! Quiet or loud their speed is intoxicating. With that;another glass of wine. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the reasonable and polite contributors herein ;).  
Best Power Cord For Video Projector
Basic MIT Oracle ,non networked pc is good;found used from $500 to $600 right here.  
Ideal design for a new music room
fwiw. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Rectangular rooms work and I can’t imagine why you say the Golden Ratios are hard to apply- but- you are wrong. Someone suggested 3/8 inch walls- I can’t think of a kind comment about them. Along with the Car... 
RMS Power?
I do love happy endings :) 
Suggestion for best stereo amp ?
I suggest Spectral amps. However, I think you’re looking for improved sound? If so some AC isolation is my first suggestion. I find Equitech 2Q to be very worthwhile to audition. You might be shocked at the improvement. A big Furman would also be ... 
The Future of Audio Amplification
The Tad Evolution class D amps specs quote 1% distortion. I believe most amp designers look to minimize distortion, and I’m sure TAD does as well. I use Spectral and am happy with the lack of distortion,incredible dynamics,nuance,faithfulness to t... 
Where do cables upgrades have the most impact?
MIT cables.  
MIT Cable Matching
Everything Oracle is great. Your magnum is the very weak link. Can’t compare to oracles. That’s the only one to improve. You’ll hear it immediately and never look back. Enjoy :). Isolation of your digital will be a significant benefit. I use an Eq... 
RMS Power?
@kijanki . FWIW some respected manufacturers quote power output as for example 200 watts RMS. I am with atmosphere - the term is used,usefully, in the trade, for amplifiers. This is not hard for you to verify. Interesting post thanks.