
Responses from ptss

Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
Sorry to have to disagree Atmasphere. I was hoping it might be folks with your technical acumen that might provide real insight |  
Ideal design for a new music room
Assuming you are serious. Stop fretting about perfect dimensions and focus on designing a room that will facilitate making the great sound you want. Don’t somply go for the largest room. Realize that bass traps are inevitable as is the need for di... 
Speakers under $50k that rival $200k+ speakers?
Here’s a winner for you :)JBL DD 6700. You will be amazed at sound from a relatively innocuous pair of speakers with great WAF compared to many you mention :)  Easy to drive. Great dynamics. Crystal clear as there is no crossover in the frequencie... 
Diffusion vs. Sound Absorption views
Essentially Diffusion everywhere, particularly front and back walls and ceiling in your case. Absorption only where benefits are obvious through experimentation  
Which material sounds better for speakers construction? Wood, Ply or MDF?
@ebm. So true that high performers,or expensive items, are often maligned  by those who can’t afford them.  It’s funny really :)  many Timex wearers think Rolex is a total waste of money since it doesn’t keep time any better ;)  And for those type... 
Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
Why is it hard to get flat frequency response, on axis, in an anechoic chamber? What is it about the drivers that needs “technical” improvement? We’ve put men on the moon, extreme precision required; what’s the big deal with loudspeakers. With the... 
Diffusion vs. Sound Absorption views
On a basic level - high frequencies add sparkle and life to music even to those listeners with diminished high frequency hearing. With that in mind I suggest diffusion should be your first priority and when you feel you’ve done a decent job of it ... 
Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
FWIW  Revel Salon specify +/- 1/2 dB from about 29 to 18,000. They are also the longest lasting reference level speaker that has remained unchanged. I find that interesting when most manufacturers seem to make changes simply to make a change. I th... 
Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
I appreciate the comments explaining why the posters feel flat frequency response is not important.  I’m not arguing. I’m asking why speakers generally aren’t able to be manufactured with level frequency response. Still hoping for some information.  
Powering My System
An Equitech 2Q is a significant investment but will do what you need and it’s balanced power will be a benefit as long as electricity powers Audio-video :)  Balanced power,and specifically Equitech, is  used in virtually all professional recording... 
Sound Quality Matters
As an as aside, I have found dynamic JBL horns also breathe life into music of all kinds :)   
Sound Quality Matters
I agree the recording quality matters. Although most listening by most people is of music reproduced poorly I have yet to see when well recorded music, played in correct phase, over a good system and good speakers has failed to put life into liste... 
Looking for great jazz guitar recordings - any recommendations?
I second some relaxing enjoyable older school guitar from the  The Great Guitars recordings and the individual members and Almeida. These 4 guys were in high demand as session guys and in Hollywood and we’ve all heard them without knowing it’s the... 
Song (or music) you want played at your funeral.
Ain’t nothin gonna stop me now !Rock around the Clock !! Mostly to classical music .... Cheers to our future :) 
UltraBit Diamond Plus
My very positive experience with the Ultrabit cleaner and Ultrabit Platinum leaves me surprised at the lack of response to your post. Are you using the Ultrabit Diamond and if so, feedback welcomed. Cheers to dynamics, detail and clearer musical d...