
Responses from ptss

Need help regarding isolator wiring configuration.
@erik_squires I like your idea of 240 volts to the entertainment room. What filtration do you feel would be ideal for this approach? 
Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
Can a single driver of any material provide flat frequency response within its operating range? 
Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
Thanks to all for input. My question is simple. Why is it obviously technically difficult for speaker designers to provide precisely level frequency response. @kenjit. I accept some listeners want to adjust the sound for different recordings. Old ... 
Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
Agreed, other aspects are also vital to good reproduction of music and sound. Seems there are questions about why frequency response accuracy is important.Very simple. The aim of loudspeakers is to accurately reproduce sound (as recorded with the ... 
Is it possible to have vinyl nearly noise free?
I have found LAST products excellent.  
UltraBit Diamond Plus
I haven’t. I use the original. What is your experience? 
The Science of Cables
@elizabeth.. Like your ref to Foghorn Leghorn. But I don’t think “old bo” will get it :) 
The Science of Cables
Kudos to ErikSquires for his comment re “a verbose knitting together of irrelevant subject matter”. British refer to what Erik commented on as “blather”. I much prefer Erik’s description. FWIW; I think Bruce Brisson of MIT Cables and George Cardas... 
Cabinet Cooling
Basically, regarding fans, you get infinitely more benefit from fans blowing “on” something versus blowing “away” from it. As far as dust is concerned; you may find a “Bionaire” or something similar that will provide excellent air filtration as we... 
Decware ZLC power conditioner
Did you compare it to an Equitech 2Q before buying? 
Has anyone tried the Oppomod clocks?
Would you like to talk about the other mods? 
New CDP or standalone DAC...?
@mooglie. Do the Oppomod clock upgrades seem good? 
Marantz SA-10 Vs Esoteric K-05Xs
Hi Milpai.  I own the Oppo 205 as well, with reference level Spectral amp and pre, connected and powered by Oracle Level MIT Cables. Imho you simply have not heard what the 205 can give you until you have significant ac power isolation and conditi... 
New CDP or standalone DAC...?
Why didn’t you go for the 205? 
Fundamental importance of power management
I agree with your last paragraph :)