
Responses from ptss

Oppo 205 revelations, questions..
Anyone else having this much joy from their 205? 
Oppo 205 revelations, questions..
A big benefit of the Oppo 205. Listening to Starlight( or whatever the tv gives free) renditions of Chamber Music has convinced me to buy into a high quality streaming service. Now. Which one is it to be? This Oppo has really been worth its weight... 
Oppo 205 and external DAC?
I think you’re totally confused. You “must” use a digital out to make any use of another dac. End of story! 
To power condition or not
They should be fine thru the Furman. They’re efficient speakers and other component minuscule. You’ll probably never draw 6 amps peak ! 
Oppo 205 revelations, questions..
I appreciate the use of the Oppo 205 to add “life” to basic Stingray Oldies and Jazz channels through my Spectral stereo. Lacks detail but dynamics are better than they ever were back in the day. I’m enjoying for background.  Will be useful in cho... 
Fidelity Audio -or- Oppomod ? Or ?
No intention to duplicate/waste anyone’s time.  Other thread referred only to Oppomod. Herein trying to get info from those with experience/knowledge of the Fidelity Audio or Clones units that may have not bothered with the Oppomod thread. Thanks ... 
Oppo 205 revelations, questions..
For Oppo 205 owners. Gary Galo’s review of the 205 in Audio Express is very detailed and thorough. Perhaps more informed as he owns the 205 and 105. He’s a retired educator at the University level who remains highly involved in music and technolog... 
This Audiogon should also provide..
A new category would work .. 
Fidelity Audio -or- Oppomod ? Or ?
 @nonoise   Thanks. How should I compare the three. What parameters do you feel most vital? 
Power conditioner or outlet?
@vair68robert. I agree with the Tripplite Isobars for the noisy electrical items around the house. Fridge,microwave,etc, even lamps as they help keep noise out of the system. I’ve used them for a very long time. Rugged and reliable. (Useless for a... 
“Oppomod” linear power supply
@bar81. I was looking at the MIT Cables site today and noticed they’ve gone to very aggressive power conditioning units.$$$.  To me this validates the benefits of power conditioning in our ever noisier digital environment, as you and I have experi... 
@puzzleman. Thanks for the informative and powerful post. I think the FBI is much appreciated by posts such as yours.  
“Oppomod” linear power supply
@bar81 . Thanks for input. I believe the investment in ac power conditioning is extremely worthwhile. Enjoy the music!  
Oppo 205 revelations, questions..
@dweller   I’m using high level Spectral Pre and amp with high level MIT throughout. The sound is excellent. Way above it’s price point as far as I’m concerned.  
Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?
I isolate the massive base, then drain to it. Mass load each piece of equipment. Seems effective.