
Responses from plato

Bi-wire-top post, bottom post, why a difference?
To me it makes sense if single-wiring to run the speaker cables directly to the midrange/tweeter section and then strap to the bass section. I think that the perceived differences in the midrange and treble quality will be more noticeable than wha... 
DVD-A WIZ-Bang-Boom
First, to answer Natalie's question, no, I wasn't in Toronto, I attended the record show in Edison, NJ at the Raritan Center last Sunday. Some vendors were really overpricing their offerings, but others had a nice selection of classical and popula... 
DVD-A WIZ-Bang-Boom
Rcp,Thanks for your thoughts. I think it's interesting, if true, that the recording engineers are backing the PCM format, in effect choosing "none of the above." This still appears to be far from a done deal.Sony has a strong selection of SACD tit... 
DVD-A WIZ-Bang-Boom
Aroc, you make a valid point -- 24/96 PCM is really good enough (more than good enough) for the typical mass-market consumer and even from an audiophile perspective. For that matter, DVD concerts in Dolby or DTS 5.1 are quite good also, so what is... 
I need help with DTS
You will probably need to go into the setup menu on the DVD player to set the digital output for the DTS position. You will also need to select the DTS soundtrack on the individual DVD's audio setup menu. Then you will need to select the DTS input... 
Problem with Denon 3300 Dolby Digital
I use a Denon 1601, and I had a similar problem. All I had to do to correct it was to reset the "input mode" to the "auto" position which selected the digital input -- somehow it had gotten switched to the "analog" input mode.If that's not it then... 
ARS Acoustica rank on some best lists. Any else?
I heard the ARS Acoustica speakers demonstrated in my home some 4 or 5 years ago. At that time, I, and others who heard them thought they were very anemic in the bass and far from the best available speakers at that time. The frequency balance was... 
DVD Sound Versus CD Sound
DVD sound can be recorded at rates up to 24-bit/96kHz, which is WAY better than CD's 16-bit/44.1kHz rate. A standard DVD can hold tons more information than a standard 650 MB CD. Did you ever notice how great the sound quality is on some movies? I... 
Rega and VPI tonearm owners - READ THIS
I believe that on the OL modified Regas the arm's tailpiece is replaced. My OL RB250 came with a circular weight (not off-center) that is tightened by a set screw. Has anyone replaced this version with the Heavyweight, and if so, how dramatic were... 
Why does my computer sound better than my CD player?
Then it would seem that your Onkyo changer is at fault. Why not try a better CD player, or add on a decent DAC, or simply use your computer as the CD source? 
Best speaker cable for Martin Logan Monolith II's??
InnerSound makes reasonably-priced speaker cables specifically for ESLs. I use them and they are the best cables I have tried regardless of price. They are very open and have ultra-smooth airy and detailed high frequency reproduction. Also, they a... 
Take an audio challenge
Gallaine,I think I understand your problem now. A friend of mine built me a neat little switch box (really a passive preamp) that has two pairs of switchable RCA inputs that route to one pair of RCA outputs. Also, each input has its own potentiome... 
Take an audio challenge
If you switch the digital preamp to a mode other than Dolby Digital (like "STEREO"), doesn't the LFE output become just a regular subwoofer output? Its internal crossover setting should be higher than the sub's crossover setting, so I don't see a ... 
Well, if problem can't be managed acoustically (with room treatments) or by using different cables or associated electronics, then why not try one of the TacT room correction digital preamp/equalizers? I'd bet the RCS 2.0, with the new parametric ... 
what speakers do the best "disappearing act"??
Abstract7, no one has mentioned ESLs because although they can and do disappear within a limited sweet spot, they tend to have non-uniform sonic dispersion in other parts of the listening room.In addition to my ESLs I own a pair of B&W CDM 9NT...