
Responses from plato

A tribute to Roger Sanders and Innersound
InnerSound is one of the very rare high-end companies that if you use all their gear you are almost guaranteed to end up with a great sounding system. This includes their excellent interconnects and speaker cables. There are virtually no weak link... 
Audiophile's New Year Resolutions?
I think my goal for 2002 will be to experiment with and to make the most of a couple of digital room correction products. I have the Behringer 8024 in house right now and I need to figure out how to properly utilize its many features and modes of ... 
HELP No sound from tweeter.
If the tweeter's not fused (likely) then it's probably blown. Your sister probably blew it by driving it into distortion with an underpowered amp or receiver. But since you sold them to her, it's definitely your fault!I'd contact the company and o... 
What to drive my RS 2b's Infinity
I recommend a good tube preamp driving an InnerSound ESL amp. The InnerSound amp is designed to drive the most difficult speaker loads and it will deliver 600 watts per channel into 4 ohms and 1200 watts/channel into 2 ohms. It's a great sounding ... 
Phono Stage Question
Run the outboard phono stage into the line input, not the phono, definitely!!!! I'm sure that compounding the RIAA EQ won't sound right and may overload the phono input of the Klimo. Good Luck. :) 
Stacked/Double Advents..a modern version?
I think it's a cool idea and worthy of some experimenting. Not too many years ago Harry Pearson went nuts over the Sound Dynamics 300ti speakers that sold for around $500/pr. I have often wondered what the potential for a stacked pair of those wou... 
B&WCDM9NT vs. Vienna Acoustic Beethoven
In my view, the B&W CDM 9NT is one of the best candidates in its price class, although it can be difficult for some amps to drive. I am not familiar with the Plinius 8200, so I can't comment on how that combination would sound. Obviously, you'... 
Auditioned Innersound gear
Rcprince,As one of your Eros-owning friends who just sold his original Eros to move to the Eros II, I'd be happy to have you visit when I get the new speakers in. It should be late January sometime because Roger Sanders is currently out of the new... 
Has anyone heard the Innersound Electrostatic amp?
Guys, you left me little to add except to say that I agree wholeheartedly with all the above comments. Happy listening! 
Any great speakers out there?
InnerSound Eros -- An electrostatic hybrid that is musical and refined and will play at very loud levels if need be. It has inspired both tears and goosebumps at my home. Beat my previous servo-amped Acoustat IIIs and the B&W CDM 9NTs I have p... 
My system has just received the ultimate insult
Wow, that's rough! But you have to understand that not everyone's hearing is the same. It seems to me that many women are much more sensitive to high frequency brightness than men. My wife used to complain about my system sounding too bright when ... 
Cheap Stuff That Keeps Up?
Yes duke, If you have the ceiling height the Acoustat 1+1s are an incredible bargain for the level of reproduction they can provide. Mate them with a nice gutsy solid-state amp and a decent tube preamp, add subwoofers and let 'er rip!I was fortuna... 
Cheap Stuff That Keeps Up?
Jeff, I own a NAD 3020 integrated and couldn't agree more. Even by today's standards it offers surprisingly good sonic performance that is on par with much more expensive units. I'll take your word on the B&W DM302s, though I have not heard th... 
Cheap Stuff That Keeps Up?
This is an interesting thread that can spawn ideas for some great performing low-cost systems. Keep the ideas coming, but remember, the goal is to list those components that provide exceedingly high sound quality for very few dollars. Try to stay ... 
SME V tonearm versus Rega tonearms on Michell Orbe
I think the limiting factor on the OL Rega arms has more to do with the relatively inconvenient, time consuming methods of setting the VTA, rather than the actual performance difference between it and the high-priced arms. If you get an OL RB 250 ...