
Responses from plato

Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
The worst thing about not being able to afford those exotic cables that make your system sing is that in less than 3 months from the time you take out that second mortgage to purchase them, you are guaranteed to come across a different cable for a... 
Amp suggestions
Oops, I see that in my earlier comments I referred to the "Rogue 88" when I meant to say "Rogue 99".If you'd like a recommendation for an amp that's very open sounding and has a lot of pop, the InnerSound ESL amp works great with dynamic speakers ... 
Amp suggestions
I heard the Stratos in a friend's system and it sounded decidedly dark in the upper octaves compared to his previous amplifier (from White Audio Labs I think). Now I know that the Rogue 88 rolls the top a bit so if you combine that preamp with a d... 
Help - amplifier matching problems
Why don't you bi-amp using the Krell for bass and the Classe for the midrange and tweeter?? I would think that would provide great bass and sweet midrange/treble performance. 
Sony DVD 7700 or Sony 9000es?
Just a quick question for the group -- does the 9000ES offer multi-channel SACD audio and has anyone tried it? It looks like it does from what I can tell on the Sony website. These companies ought to make some of the main features of their product... 
Cheapest Analogue Setup to Conquer Best Digital
I have the new Mitchell Gyro SE II that I'm using with a Origin Live modified Rega RB250 and a Benz Micro Ruby 2. I like it better than my previous VPI Aries/JMW 10 that I used with a ClearAudio Gamma MC cartridge. It wounds my Wright modified Per... 
"Double" bi-amping a good idea?
Sean,You have done a very credible job of explaining the complex loads that electrostatic hybrids represent, and I thank you for your effort and all the good information.One additional point I'd like to bring up is that while tube amps generally e... 
"Double" bi-amping a good idea?
Tekunda,I never said that you needed an external active crossover to bi-amp. You can just use the passive crossovers in your speakers. Going to the vertical bi-amp configuration should improve your sound noticeably without you having to buy anythi... 
"Double" bi-amping a good idea?
As a slight correction to earlier comments, Tekunda's current configuration is not really what is considered bi-amping, rather, it is bridging or monoblocking since one amp drives each speaker full range. This further complicates the impedance iss... 
"Double" bi-amping a good idea?
Tekunda, another thing to try before you buy anything else would be to use the Bel Canto amps in their stereo mode to drive the ESL panel and bass section of each speaker separately. This is the configuration for vertical bi-amping -- right now, w... 
"Double" bi-amping a good idea?
If you really want to improve your sound sell the Bel Cantos and buy an InnerSound ESL amp. The ESL amp was specifically designed to drive the complex loads that electrostatic hybrids present, and a single stereo ESL amp will give you just as much... 
Any descent keyboard for my wife.
I'll trade you a decent inexpensive keyboard for your wife, but (please don't take this the wrong way), I'd appreciate it if you could send a few pics first. :-P 
Bi-wire-top post, bottom post, why a difference?
I read a post from Ray Kimber on the subject of bi-wiring at and he seemed to think that the back EMF voltage generated by the woofer(s) in some systems was a large enough factor to make bi-wiring preferable in some but not all mod... 
Bi-wire-top post, bottom post, why a difference?
Now that I think of it, removing the straps for a bi-wired configuration may circumvent the potential for back-emf generated voltages to interact between the respective driver/crossover sections. Perhaps that is the real advantage that bi-wiring o... 
Bi-wire-top post, bottom post, why a difference?
Bryan1,Bi-wiring does not generally bypass the passive internal crossover, although on some models it could defeat an internal link between the high-pass and low-pass sections, i.e., you are still using the internal the crossover, even if you biwi...