
Responses from plato

Thinking of rcprince who works in Manhattan
Hi Russ,I'm glad to learn you are okay. What a horrible tragic day that was. My wife and I were watching on TV and we just couldn't believe that something this calculated, cold-blooded and heinous could happen right here in our backyard.May God he... 
B W vs. Paradigm
You might want to compare the B&W CDM 9NT to the Paradigm Studio 100s. The 9NT uses the same driver compliment as the N804 in a less costly but very elegant cabinet and is said to have more apparent bass than the N804, which is especially rele... 
Manger speakers ???
Sean,I had auditioned the Manger Zerobox 109 speakers in my home for a few months. This is the smaller 2-way model with the ScanSpeak 8" woofer and a single Manger driver. The list price is about $5,000/pair.My initial impressions were very favora... 
The infamous
I have to say that of all the posters Audiotomb has come closest to my personal recommendations. Contrary to what owners of super high-priced equipment believe (or would have you believe), complete systems can be put together for under $25,000 tot... 
Revel F-30 vs. Dunlavy Cantata vs. b w CDM 9NT
I can't comment on the Dunlavy or Revel models that you've mentioned because I haven't heard them, but I can comment on the B&W CDM 9NT. The 9NT is an excellent all-round performer and offers musicality combined with an exceptional level of fo... 
Home theater system only plays Pro logic, no digital or DTS
Well, one thing to check is that the particular DVDs you are playing contain Dolby Digital 5.1 encoding. Many DVDs only contain the older Pro Logic soundtracks, but most recent releases have the DD 5.1. I have encountered DVDs with both Pro Logic ... 
Can anyone help me with better phono? Did anyone...?
The fact that you are having the problem with both your analogue and your digital gear suggests to me that the problem has more to do with achieving a pleasing frequency balance and taming your room acoustics than it does with simply changing your... 
I just heard the Nautilus 800
I have to wonder how much of the improvement is mainly due to the use of that new surroundless Kevlar midrange driver that's used in the new Nautilus models and in the CDM 9NT. I heard a pair of the much less expensive ($2600/pr) CDM 9NTs the othe... 
mbl 101d speakers suck
I'm with Andyshum on this. If you can afford the speaker, then buy the appropriate amplifier to drive it. I've heard those speakers sound excellent driven by the big MBL amps. 
Cheap transport ??
Say, Ehider,You wouldn't happen to know the model # of that cheap Aiwa player, do you???Thanks :) 
This ever happen to you?
Hello Kubla,As you know, I am a past Acoustat III owmer and on a couple of occasions a similar phenomenon occurred -- but only with one recording. I was playing through the tracks on Madonna's "Immaculate Collection" CD and I started to play the s... 
Acoustat servo amps ??
Kubla,To determine which panels you have you need to look at the wires coming off the panels. If they are the very early panels, the stranded wire is relatively coarse and silver in color. If you have the OFC panels the wire will be fine copper st... 
Acoustat servo amps ??
BTW, Kubla, I'm not certain that you can use the servos correctly with Spectra-series panels, plus I'm not sure that Spectra panels are actually as good as the late 5-wire Acoustat panels.Additionally, the servos come with different EQ curves depe... 
Acoustat servo amps ??
If the servos on the IVs are stock and the ESL panels are early generation vintage, then factor in the operational condition of the amps and tubes and I'd say you have a heck of a lot of variables and a wide performance span. Heck, the only way to... 
Acoustat servo amps ??
Well, yes, the servos can be great, but there are MANY different mods and levels of servos -- the best (and most lethal, literally) in my experience, are the AHT/Dan Fanny modified units that use the 6LB6 tubes and dual 7308 input drivers. Please ...