
Responses from plato

SME V tonearm versus Rega tonearms on Michell Orbe
I use an OL RB250 on a Gyro II SE with a Benz Ruby 2 cartridge and the sound is the best I have heard (compared to any other TT system I have used). There is an unmistakable synergy going on with this combo that is captivating. It easily outperfor... 
Define high current amp?
Magnepans are planar magnetic speakers, not elestrostatics and present a relatively benign resistive impedance curve as far as I know. They are somewhat inefficient and are said to benefit from a high-current amp design. On the other hand, purely ... 
Connecting two amps-bi-amp cabling
Zorpman, you had better consult the amp's manufacturer before attempting such a hook up -- I don't think it will work as you anticipate and may be harmful to the amplifiers.I wouldn't want to see you have to change your name to "Zappedman"! 
Help: New Rega P3 & Grado Platinum; No highs
I'm not familiar with the Classe 30 preamp, but shouldn't there be a way to set it to the higher-gain MC position and still select the 47 k-ohm impedance load? If not, I'd bet this would be be an easy modification to perform. Perhaps you should ca... 
SS amp and tube preamp combo for Martin Logan Sl-3
I would recommend a Rogue 99 or other tube preamp using 6SN7 tubes rather than 6DJ8/6922s. The 6SN7-based preamps I have tried are generally less "bright" than 6922-based units in my experience (I know it's a blanket statement, but I did say "gene... 
I'm not into Home Theater but...
Without getting into theological issues, although I can certainly appreciate Mcne's comments, I think everyone can see the importance of NOT provoking violence or becoming confrontational/adversarial in situations like the one Marakanetz described... 
"Stacked" Advents hookup
I was speaking with a friend about stacked Advents the other day. I was curious to know if he had tried them with the top speaker upside-down, so the tweeters would be together in the center and he said he had not. I thought it would have been int... 
What is the "design" of the "ULTIMATE" loudspeaker
Maybe the better question would be, "are the huge ultimate speaker systems mentioned really that much more convincing than the best $20k-$30k systems?" 
Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie
Wksesq, If the fuzz is in both channels and you have confirmed that you are indeed in the MM and not the MC mode, then there may be a problem with the EAR. I think what I'd do would be to try new tubes and if that doesn't work you might have to se... 
Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie
Well then check that you're on the MM position for both channels. If you still have a problem, reverse the L&R phono interconnects and see if the distortion changes channels. If it doesn't switch, its your amp. If it changes, I'd suspect the t... 
Need troubleshooting help go easy on me... Newbie
It sounds like something related to your phono preamp. I notice you didn't mention what line stage preamp you are using. 1) As someone else mentioned, You can't plug the phono directly into the amplifier without a volume control. 2) You could have... 
Celebrities A/V systems - any interest?
Guys, thank you for your comments and the tips on the systems featured in the movies. I seem to remember being impressed with Mel Gibson's rig in "What Women Want". I'll have to go back and watch that again. All of you have given me some food for ... 
Celebrities A/V systems - any interest?
Sc53, you are probably right about the majority of celebrities not caring about or delving into the world of high-end sound. Fabio's system is probably the exception (marble floors great for sound, eh!), but there must be a few closet audiophiles ... 
Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
Tekunda,My cables were made by Full Spectrum Audio and Gary Markowitz and I believe that both of these cable makers are no longer in the business of making cables -- so what I am using is probably a moot point no matter how good they may or may no... 
Siltech G5 against the rest of the world.
Mike,How about listing a contact phone number or web address for Murray James Cables. You've got me interested and I'm sure that others would appreciate that info too!